~Chapter 1~ Unwanted Guests

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My father beamed after announcing to me that the village was having "visitors". I had a feeling whom he was referring to, but still, my stomach churned uncomfortably as he led me outside.

The entire village had gathered in the entrance, where the prince's old treehouse stood. It was musty and unused.

Finally, I was staring face-to-face with a sweet mahogany horse, with soft black eyes.

Epona, Link's horse.

Only the Link I'd come to know was not riding her.

No, rather, Epona's mount was a handsome prince in shining gold armor. Not the selfless hero with the green tunic. And behind him sat the majestic Princess Zelda.

I wheeled around and shoved past my father, sprinting into my house. I hurried up the twisting stairs and leapt on to my bed, which sat upon the loft at the top of the staircase.

My heart pounded in my chest. So that arrogant, so-called "hero" had returned. Three years later. Didn't he know he was unwanted here? At least, by my standards, he was. Suddenly, anger burned inside my chest when I remembered the broad grin he'd worn atop Epona.

The door downstairs opened, and I heard my father ushering two people inside. They could only be Prince Link and Princess Zelda. I stayed on my bed, intending to eavesdrop on the conversation.

"Welcome back, Your Majesties!" my father greeted them. I could imagine his grin, and the anguish inside me grew.

"Please, Bo, it's a pleasure," responded a low, male voice. It was Link's.

"But what brings you here, to Ordon?" my father asked.

"I'm homesick," answered the prince. Ha! As if. I bet he had enjoyed the luxurious life in the castle much more than the simple life I'd led here.

"Yes," agreed a soft female voice. I recognized it as the princess. Again, the anger and slight envy within me increased. "Actually, we were going to stay a few nights, if that's alright."

Abandoning my bed, I sprang up and dashed down the stairs, where my father, Link and Zelda were gathered. I saw the royals, with their expensive gold and jewelry adorning their clothes. It bothered me to see Link wearing such an innocent look. Zelda, on the other hand, did not look innocent. Her expression was blank and impossible to read. It was almost dark.

"No, that most certainly is not alright!" I roared.

The threesome looked taken aback by my response, but I didn't care.

"Ilia!" hissed my father.

"Link, who is that?" whispered Zelda.

I glared at the hero. "Guess you're too ashamed to speak of your old friends."

I felt triumphant when I saw how much my words hurt Link.

"Ilia..." he whispered, on the verge of tears.

Zelda blinked in despair. "I...I should go," she muttered to Link, turning toward the door.

"Your Highness---!" my father called, shuffling to the door.

I cast Link and my father a harsh, cold, unforgiving look and brushed past my father, walking toward the exit of the village.

I needed to get out of here.

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