~Chapter 17~ Lana, of the Kokiri

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I found myself in a forest, as Saria predicted. Trees surrounded me. One giant tree stood tall, however, and it appeared to have a face. I shuddered.

The place seemed calm, until something crashed into the ground in front of me. I screamed out of reflex, and saw a figure standing in front of me. She had blue hair and a fierce but beautiful face. Her clothes seemed strange, too, because her shirt was cropped up, and she held a gnarled tree staff.

"Zelda? What are you doing here?" she asked me curiously.

"Zelda? I'm not Zelda, I'm Ilia!" I corrected her angrily.

"Ilia? She died a couple thousand years ago..." the girl trailed off.

"Then why is Zelda wearing my clothes now?" I interrogated. Now I was fired up.

"This forest isn't the real Kokiri Forest, girl. Zelda doesn't wear your actual clothes. Don't you know? This place is a reinactment of the past! And a new villain has spawned here, my counterpart, Cia. Why are you even here, and who are you really?" she told me.

"I told you! My name really is Ilia! Look, it's a lot to explain, and I don't really have time, but I'm looking for a sorceress named Lana. Is she here?" I asked impatiently.

"Oh... Well... I'm Lana. What is it?" She stepped back carefully.

I took a deep breath and said, "This is going to sound strange, but I'm from a long time away, in the Twilight Era. I need you to listen to this song."

Lana crossed her arms impatiently but said nothing. So I took out my Ocarina and imitated the Minuet of Forest best I could. Lana took yet another step back from me and steadied herself, as if she were dizzy.

"Wait a second... I know why you're here! Saria sent you, and I'm here long-lost Kokiri descendant! You need my power...to seal her away for eternity, and I have to send us back with a spell!"

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