~Chapter 4~ A Last Resort

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I was moved by Telma's wise words, but I still hated the Hero of Twilight with a burning passion.

I guess Telma read my inner emotions, because she added, "Honey, if you truly want to escape your hometown, I can give you a lift to Kakariko."

My face lit up at her offer. Kakariko. The small village full of shops, kindly people and Gorons. It was next to Death Mountain, where the ore mines were. I loved it a little less than my hometown, but if it was far from Link, it was good enough for me.

I boarded the back of Telma's wagon as she slapped the reigns and the horse took off over Hyrule Field's vast horizon. All I noticed in the back of the cart were clinking, clattering bottles of exotic spices and mixtures and liquids, all foods I'd never seen before.

"Hey, Telma?" I called over the noise of the wagon.


"What are all these bottles back here?"

"Oh, you know of my bar," said Telma. "I gather exotic foods and herbs and whatnot to enhance my cocktails and appetizers."

I smiled and shrugged. Telma was such a nice lady, she didn't deserve the drunken, cowardly soldiers and rude customers at her bar. I'd seen the customers she dealt with daily back when I lost my memory and was in a frantic haste to save the Zora prince. They were rude, snide, and just downright ungrateful.

Finally, the screechy covered cart pulled into Kakariko Village, and I grinned as I sniffed the burnt, dry air. Dust rolled across the rocky terrain as the sun reflected off the stony area.

"We're here," Telma announced as she halted the cart next to Eldin's spring and Renaldo's Sanctuary.

Other white wagons wheeled in and out of the village. It was a popular trading center of the kingdom now, thanks to Malo Mart, which was a huge success. Ordon Village often traded with Kakariko, but my father never allowed me to go on a trading route.

"My, has Kakariko gotten busy!" Telma exclaimed.

I nodded and laughed . I loved what the village had become; not too busy, yet not too quiet.

The door to the Sanctuary opened, and Renaldo emerged, wearing long, withered robes. He approached me and Telma.

"Telma? Ilia? Whatever brings you here?"

"I was on a marketing expedition when I stumbled upon Ilia. We were wondering if you'd allow us to stay the night."

"Well, I don't see why not," Renaldo replied thoughtfully. "Ilia, I suppose you should wash up for dinner."

I beamed, nodded, and headed to the spring.

Perhaps fleeing my village wasn't such a bad idea after all.

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