~Chapter 14~ Impaz, of the Sheikah

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Renaldo looked hesitant, but released me heavily. I still had work to do. I had to find the Hidden Village. I'd been there before, because Impaz had sheltered me from the horrible monsters that abducted me.

"I'll guide you to the Hidden Village, girl," Darbus offered.

I nodded gratefully as he came up to the dark horse and curled into a stony ball. Darbus rolled away, and my steed followed him. As I glanced behind my shoulder, I saw Telma fade away with Ralis and Saria. Renaldo was all alone. But someone had come outside to comfort him. His daughter, Luda.

Through the night Darbus and I ventured, on our way to the Hidden Village. Finally we reached it, sealed away in the crevice of a rock. Darbus crushed the seal with his mighty Goron fist. Dismounting my horse, I entered the moonlit, western village. Impaz said it once housed the ancient tribe that served the royal family.

Then, a horrible sound broke the serenity. The battle cry of a monster. And to my horror, I caught sight of a green-skinned creature with a veil of burlap covering its mouth. It drew an arrow on its bow and fired it at me. Darbus shoved me out of the way and his rock-solid body deflected the hit.

"Darbus---!" I started.

"Find the woman!" he raged. "I'll take care of 'em..."

I nodded and sprinted through the dilapidated village to the end, where Impaz's house stood. It was locked up tightly, all of her cats in there with her. After yelling her name, the old woman didn't answer. I banged on the door, but the cries of the Bulblins were too loud. So, I busted her window and leapt through, entering the house.

"Impaz!" I cried. To my horror, the old lady lay barely breathing on the floor, surrounded by her multicolored cats. The felines mewed softly and mournfully.

"I-Ilia?" Impaz groaned as I knelt beside her in shock.

"Impaz! Stay with me! I need you to do one last thing for me! Please!" I begged.

"What is it?" she twitched.

"Listen." I pulled out my gold Ocarina and played the Nocturne of Shadow that Saria taught me.

The woman managed to smile. "My fate is clear now that you play that song... Impa was the name of my ancestor... W-We protected Princess Zelda and her family for centuries... And... I must assist Saria as the Sage of Shadow."

"Yes, Impaz. I'll carry you to Kakariko Village! Be strong!" I said.

Just then, Darbus busted through the woman's door. I explained the situation and he carried Impaz back to my horse, and I followed him.

"Lead us back to Kakariko," Darbus told me as I mounted my horse.

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