~Chapter 2~ Overhearing Royals

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The people of Ordon raised their eyebrows at me as I darted out, toward the spirit's spring.

I looked over my shoulder as I halted at the edge of the spring. Its calming blue color eased my anger and spirit as the healing properties of the spring coursed up through my bare feet.

All was quiet here. There was no sound like the rushing waterwheel of the village or the angry clucks of cuccos. Only the quiet rush of water came from the mini waterfall of the spring, where an infinite source of magical water fed it. Supposedly that infinite source was the mighty spirit Ordona, who blessed the village.

Feeling tired and suddenly stressed, I sat down before the blue pool of water, beside Epona's whistle grass. Link had a knack for blowing it, but I could never do it.

I made a face at the memory of him. Such nerve he had to show his face here again! He wasn't needed around here anymore, anyway. Colin, a young boy of the village, was following in Link's footsteps and did most of the herding and ranch work now. Link was just a vain, pampered, spoiled royal at the castle now. No longer did he symbolize integrity, courage, or selflessness. Not to me, anyway.

I heard the clatter of hooves behind me, on the path that forked between the spring and the bridge to Faron Province. Epona. I leaned against the mossy plateau behind me, not wanting to be seen.

"...Find Hyrule Castle," Zelda was saying.

"Zelda, I know the way. I used to travel these woods daily." That was Link.

"I'm aware, Link. But times have changed, and so has Faron Woods. I fear we will lose our way." Zelda stated distantly.

"Trust me, Zelda, we'll be fine. And Faron Woods is fine now, you know, with Ganondorf defeated. There shouldn't be so many monsters running amok."

"Understood, Link. Now please lead Epona back to Hyrule Castle. I feel strongly unwanted here."

Epona dashed off as someone slapped the reins, and I relaxed my shoulders against the green outcropping. So the royals had fled my village after less than an hour. Of course, the voyage back to Hyrule would be very long...

I heaved a giant sigh as I sank into the sand of the shallow bank. The sand was fine and white. Everything about Ordona's Spring was perfect. It was so colorful, so peaceful...

And I hated myself for getting up and leaving that spring in a weak attempt to escape my stress.

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