~Chapter 6~ Ilia's Mission

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"Ilia, your mission is to set out and find the descendants of the six elemental Sages," Saria said solemnly.

"Six?" I repeated. "I though there were seven."

"Well, that includes Princess Zelda, who's merely the Leader. She shall meet us later on."

"Great, I'll have to deal with her..." I muttered under my breath, too quiet for the immortal Sage to hear.

"First, I'll begin with Prince Ralis, the Zora prince. Queen Rutela, his beloved mother, was a direct and ancient descendant of Ruto, the original princess. However, both were murdered by the Demon Thief. I witnessed Ruto's death, I should know."

"Okay, okay, but wait. What do I need to assemble all these descendants for?" I asked. She never made the concept quite clear.

Saria took a deep breath. "No evil is amok just yet. However... I am making a desperate attempt to seal away the evil within ourselves."

I was taken aback by her response. "Ourselves? What do you mean?"

She looked down darkly. "Sooner or later, one of us Sages will try and steal the power we have divided among us all for themselves. So, using the might power of the Sages and the Triforce, I am going to attempt to seal all of us Sages away. For eternity."

"Y-You're going to engage in deep slumber for... Forever?" I asked quietly. "Saria...you can't!"

She looked up at me sadly. "I'm afraid I don't have much choice, Ilia. I've surveyed the area of this era, and I've predicted that us Sages will become too lustful in time. I have to."

I blinked back tears, crushed by the sacrifise Saria planned to make.

"Don't grieve my sacrifise, Ilia," she said, trying to smile. "Here, I have something for you."

She pulled out a strange, gold, flute-like instrument with many holes and a mouthpiece. I raised my eyebrows.

Laughing, Saria explained, "It's something we Sages crafted, called the Ocarina of the Sages. It has the power of us enveloped inside it. We made it for the maiden of Ordon destined to carry out the mission entrusted to her... By me."

"Wait... So all of you planned to lock yourselves away?" I questioned aimlessly.

"Not exactly..." Saria sighed. "I thought we would wind up giving it to Zelda, as she is the maiden of destiny, we all know. But then I figured it out. That maiden isn't the princess... It's you."

I gasped as she passed the Ocarina to me. "Now Ilia, allow me to teach you this song. It's called the Serenade of Water, as Ralis is the descendant to Ruto, the Sage of Water."

She pulled out a shiny, ancient Ocarina like mine, only it wasn't gold. It was green. She began to blow into it, and mimicking her, I played the same notes. In time, we played a perfect duet.

With the last notes still lingering in the air, Saria told me, "Now go, Ilia. Go to Zora's Domain and find the prince of the Zoras. Play that song for him, and he will remember the cultures of his ancestor. Time is short, as it is. Hurry, please. And remember... The fate of us rests heavily on your shoulders."

Then she vanished, out of thin air.

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