~Chapter 13~ Telma, of the Gerudos?

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Oh no, I thought dreadfully. They're going to kill me.

Saria and the others were fading away rapidly just as Telma and the shaman approached on horseback.

At first, Telma just stared in shock, relieved beyond comprehension that I was alive and well. And I stared back, awaiting the harsh punishment sure to follow.

"You..." whispered Renaldo.

"You better have a damn good explanation for this!" Telma exploded.

Suddenly, Saria, Darbus, and Ralis materialized in the spring.

"Telma. Renaldo. Residents of Kakariko," Saria said faintly.

"Ack! Who the heck are you?" screamed Telma.

"Y-You're a Sage!" Renaldo gasped. "The Sage of Forest, no?"

"You bare vast knowledge, shaman," spoke Saria sadly. "Yet you do not know of the destiny young Ilia is burdened with. The fate of the world rests heavily on her shoulders."

"Ilia! What's the green girl talking about?!" Telma interrogated shrilly.

"Telma, I have to find the remaining descendants of the six Sages. And I don't have much time..."

"Wait a second." The party went silent at Saria's command. "Telma... Something sacred radiates from your presence..."

"I sense it too," Renaldo puts in. "Something like Sage radiation."

"Yeah, I felt it when Darbus came here," Ralis adds. "Telma...are you...?"

"No! I'm a bartender at Castle Town. I'm not royalty, or a leader. I'm not a Sage descendant!" Telma argues hostilely.

"She's right..." Renadlo mumbles. "But you have mentioned that your lineage is unknown. You claim to have no remembrance of your past..."

"I sense the power of the desert," Saria remarks.

Before Telma can input, Saria pulls out her green Ocarina once more and plays a different tune. A song of the Sages?

Suddenly, shining light envelopes Telma as she shrieks. As it fades away, she gasps, "I remember!

"Ages ago, in the era of the dawn of the Hero of Time, my ancestor Nabooru had an affair with a Hylian soldier... The hero reawakened her as the Sage of Spirit. But then... After the darkness that reigned over Hyrule had been abolished, Nabooru became pregnant and gave birth to a half-Hylian, half-Gerudo infant. The infant adopted the habits of the Gerudo thieves. Then that bloodline continued, mostly dominated by the Gerudo side."

"So you've got to be the last person in Hyrule with the blood of Gerudo!" I exclaimed. "But you told me that your friend Shad said the Gerudos were extinct."

"He was wrong," said Telma. "My father was Hylian, but my mother was of the Gerudo bloodline. She just didn't know it. They died, though. I lived with my Gerudo aunt. Her boyfriend and his cat recently disappeared."

"That's way too complicated for even us Gorons," commented Darbus.

"The point is, Telma, you are the long-lived descendant of Nabooru's heritage. The descendant of the Sage of Spirit. I need you to help me, in sparing some of your lineage's power and deal the rest of us Sages away," pleaded Saria.

"What?" asked Renaldo.

"I understand now..." Telma stated. "Ilia is the maiden destined to reunite the Sage descendants, so we can help the Sage of Forest to complete a hex. One that seals all Sages away in deep slumber. Because..."

"Because it's bound to happen. We'll develop lust for power and battle each other. With great power comes consequences," Saria said.

"Come with us, Telma," beckoned Ralis. "You and Renaldo must let Ilia fulfill her fate."

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