Chapter 59

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I forced my eyes to open despite my screaming head ache. I could remember everything from Thanes office up until I tried to ask Silas what had happened. I registered first Alexander watching me and then I saw Silas staring at the floor. I couldn't read Silas but Alexander seemed more curious than concerned.

"Welcome back little witch." Alexander said with a smirk. I looked over at him horrified. I wasn't a witch. I was a werewolf. A werewolf with no wolf but certainly not a witch.

"...interesting." Alexander said as he observed my panic.

'I'm not a witch.' I signed.

"She's not a witch." Silas repeated for me without moving his eyes from the floor.

"The way you just saved Anthony and Joshua implies otherwise." Alexander said.

'I was saving Silas.' I signed shocked that he would even think I cared about the other two Alphas.

"She was trying to save me." Silas translated.

"He was in no danger sweetheart. Silas turned his back deliberately. He wanted them to attack. Killing another Alpha, or Alphas, in self-defense is not as politically messy as murder. It would have been a legal loophole for Silas to snap their necks." Alexander said. I sighed and dropped my head back on the couch. I should have known Silas would never turn away from a potential threat without a reason.

"Unfortunately for us they are now in my infirmary until they wake up. Or I suppose if they wake up." Alexander snickered.

"Xane." Silas said.

"They are going to be trouble. You know they will tell everyone they can about your little loves voodoo." Alexander shook his head.

"I said no." Silas said. "We don't know what kind of connection she opened. If she's still connected to them and you kill them..."

"It would kill her..." Alexander sighed. "Did you ask Aaron? Maybe the connection times out?"

"Aaron didn't even know she could cast. This... We aren't familiar with this kind of magic." Silas shook his head.

"Maybe it's black magic..." Alexander said.

"You don't know that." Silas said.

"If it's something Aaron hasn't done then it seems pretty obvious." Alexander said.

"Enough Xane. This isn't the time or place. Anthony and Joshua live, until further notice." Silas said.

"Fine." Alexander said.

I looked back and forth between them several times before trying to sit up. Silas stopped me.

"We don't want you to pass out on us again." Xane said with a smile. His previous tension vanished almost as quickly as it had appeared. "Especially if you are going to be sharing your bed tonight."

"Don't make me hurt you." Silas said.

"You'd feel like an ass if you did." Xane smirked. "And speaking of sharing beds, I have a cute little wolf waiting on me." Xane stood as he spoke.

Silas and I sat in silence for several minutes after Alexander had left. I had so many questions I wasn't sure where to start. I didn't want to try and ask any of them laying down or with Silas staring at the ground. He wouldn't be able to read my signs clearly if he wouldn't look at me. I tried the mind link.

~Silas?~ I asked nervously.

"Don't." He said as his head snapped up to look at me. The command in his voice caught me off guard. I flinched. A pained look flashed across Silas face but he quickly masked it.

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