Life With The Ex, Two: The Wedding.

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You mean everything to me.
You mean the world to me.

You are everything to me.
You are the world to me.

I'm lost without you.
Life has no meaning without you.
Even if the world crumbles today.......
That's how I feel everyday without you.

   Nafisa sat down next to Hashim laughing at his funny remarks.

She couldn't be happier. This was what she imagined since the first time she actually met him, this exact moment is a dream come true for her. Her family, friends and her future family and friends are all here. Although she knows this is the beginning of something new with new people she has to please and respect. But at this moment nothing mattered, she and Hashim were enjoying the MC's jokes and silly games he kept playing.

"Now amarya da ango, one of you should pick who would come out to represent the other". The MC says.

Before Nafisa could say a word Hashim talks first.
"My bride will be our representative" he says and keeps the mic. The hall erupts in laughter by how fast he chose her.
   She looks at him disbelievingly smiling.
He looks at her and smiles then turns his head away.

"Okay our bride should please come on stage" the MC says calling on her.
She slowly gets up and walks to the stage, walking majestically so she wouldn't trip and fall on her face.

   "Okay, we are going to have a little Q & A. We want to know how much you know about your groom. We have some questions we asked him earlier and we want to see if you'd get them right"

Kamillah hands her a microphone before going back to their table.
    "Okay. Our first question is....What is your grooms favorite color?"

"He doesn't have a favorite color" she says confidently.

"That's correct. The second question.....what is your grooms hobby?"

"Anything that doesn't leave him exhausted"

"That's also correct. The third question....what is your grooms favorite food?"

"He doesn't have any but he loves fried stuff"

"Incredibly right. And the last question....What does he do that irritates you and that is why he does it?"

"Criticizing my cooking" she says and Hashim bursts out laughing.

    He was internally excited and happy that she answered everything correctly. He was proud she knew him so well.

   "And that's correct. It looks like the bride knows her groom sosai fah. So those people who came here to gossip, they just proved there is no room in their relationship for negative comments". He pauses. "Now our groom it's your turn"

Hashim seats there looking at him confused.
"But our representative is already down there"

    "It won't be complete without the couple together" the MC says back.
Hashim walks down and stands next to his bride.

"I didn't think I was going to be called out" he says to her.
"That is for throwing me under the bus" she says laughing at him.

  "Our groom these next four questions are for you, are you ready?" The MC asks him.
   She hands him the mic.
"Yeah I am" he answers back.

"First question....What does your bride love doing the most?"

"That's easy. She loves designing. She loves interior designing for fun"

"Okay. It seems like he's got it under control. Next question....What does she nag about everyday?"

"She doesn't nag much but when she does it's usually about her lack of privacy at home with the twins"

The MC laughs." Third question...What does she prefer, watching or sleeping?"

"Oh! Definitely watching"

"What was the first thing she told you the moment you two met?"

"Uhmmm.......she asked me to hurry up and say what I wanted to tell her so she could go home.....'Can you hurry and say it, I'm busy' that was the first thing she said to me"

   He says looking at her. She blushes.

"That's amazing. Ladies and gentlemen, please give a round of applause to our couple"


   "Nafisa are you really going to lock yourself up in the bathroom?" Hashim asks impatiently.
   "I'm not hiding I'm getting prepared FYI" She shouts from the bathroom.

"Just come out I don't really care what you put on your body"
      "Well I do. I'll be out in ten minutes"
"Ugh!" He says falling on her bed.

Moments later the bathroom door opens and she comes out.
"Whoa!" He exclaims.
"Close your mouth, it's not something you've not seen before" she smiles.
"Baby, not in this light" he says getting up and grabbing her waist.
     "Yeah I bet"

"Wow! Wow! Wow! You look gorgeous"
"Thanks I know. Let's just get straight to the point"
"Your wish is my command" he says kissing her.


He gets off bed, putting on his three quarter sweats.
"Since you're standing can you give me my pajamas?" She asks.
    "Where is it?"
"The drawer on the left"

   He opens it and goes through, looking for the perfect one.
"I love these"
   "I know you do. Just throw them over here"

He throws them.

"Avo-cardio. They are perfect for work outs" he says laughing.
     "I bet the guys at the gym will love it"

His smile fades away.
    "I'm going to go take my bath" He says.
"I told you to take your bath before fajr. You didn't?"
     "Of course I did but I wanna take another one now" he says before he walks out.

   She arranges her clothes and cleans up her bed. Went downstairs got the vacuum cleaner and vacuumed the room.
   "Damn!" He says coming in with a towel tied around his waist.
"What is it?" She asks.
   "Pink? Really? Your room is pink?"

"And you didn't notice last night?"
"Nah. I was too aroused to notice everything even what I put on"
"Well  I like the color"
"But it's nice"he says.
"Where are your towels?" He asks.

    "They are at the top shelf"
"Okay thanks"

   "Let me take my bath too. Larai has already made breakfast"
"Should I wait for you?" He asks.
     "Aww really?"
"Nah! I'm going to go and eat now. Who told you not to take your bath earlier"

   He walks out.
"Then why did you ask?" She shouts.


After she got dressed she walks downstairs to the dinning to eat.

"I thought you said you wouldn't wait for me?"

"You know I'll always wait no matter what" he smiles back.
"I love you"

"I love you too"


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