Life With The Ex, Twenty-Five: Done!

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I've recently found listening to music while reading a bit interesting. It adds to the drama and makes everything more imaginative, in a good way. So I checked every song on my playlist while reading and it seems the best is 🎼MAKE IT RIGHT- BTS 🎼 Try it.

"What is going on?" He asks again.
"Nothing. I just have something going on in my mind"

"Where do you think you're going so late at night?"
"It's not your job to worry about me Hashim"
"What is going on here? Is it about the ring?"

"Yeah the ring. Why can't you be grateful? You think I didn't notice your disappointment when I gave it to you?"

"Disappointment" I repeat in a whisper.
"What's wrong with you? Is nothing I do enough? Since you came back you've been behaving differently" he says raising his voice.

"I said I forgave you so there is no use bringing up the past but HASHIM DON'T DARE RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME!" I yell.
He stands there shocked.

"What is wrong with you Nafisa?" He asks calmly.
"Oh! Now you care?"
"What are you talking about?"

I pick up the files on the chair and threw it at him.
He looks taken aback at first and then smiles.
"It was suppose to be a surprise for you"

"For me? That was what I thought at first and I was so excited. Today when you said you had a present for me I was expecting that...but you didn't give me those fucking files, instead you gave me a meaningless ring. But I still believed maybe it was suppose to be another surp—" he cuts me off.
"—It is. It was supposed to be" he says laughing nervously.

"Really? So why did I see Rumaisa there?"
I stay quiet looking like him like was speaking gibberish.

"How? You followed me?"
"Nah I didn't have to. I wanted to check my house but I saw someone else coming out"
"It's not what it seems like" he says holding my hands.

"So it's not that you were surprised to see me back? So of course you found a house for your whore so I could come back, it's not like that?"
He stays quiet.

"The first time you brought her I wanted to leave but you begged me to stay. But do you really know what made me stay?"
"You care? You love me?"

"Yeah I did. But I was scared. If I didn't let her stay you would let me go. You kept begging me to would have chosen her over us so I thought if you walk out now and he doesn't follow you out you're the one who will lose him because he wouldn't keep begging if it means losing her"


"No I wouldn't. Please just stay Nafisa. You always forgive me I just need you to forgive me this once"

"Exactly! That is why you do it every time, because I always forgive you that's why you take me for granted but I'm done with all this crap"
"Don't say that. You're overreacting!" He grabs my arm "Please baby stay"

I push him off.
"You'll see your daughter when I'm ready to let you see her" I open the door and walk out.

"Please Nafisa! I don't know what she did to me. I can't let her go no matter how hard I try, please!" He says with tears gathering in his eyes.

"That's the same way I feel about you, no matter how hard I try I can't be mad at you but I have my pride and integrity. It was something you always lacked so no matter how hard you try you won't be able to leave her. But I'm tired"

I know if I don't leave now he might convince me. Seeing him cry always made me melt and i started feeling it, I was melting.
"Don't show up! Ever!" I get in the car and lock the door.

He starts banging on the door.
"Nafisa please! Please! Just give me one last chance! Please" this time he was really crying and I can't lie and say I don't feel sorry for him but I can't take it anymore.

The gateman finally opened the gate looking very confused as he watched the scene that unfolded in front of him.
"I'm sorry!" Hashim kept repeating as he stood by the door.

Without another thought I drove out.


I couldn't believe it, Nafisa left but I'm not going to sit and watch her go, I love her and our child. I won't give up now, never.
After standing outside for over twenty minutes I finally come in and head upstairs to Anissa's room, everything was there except her things. She cleared her room and Anisa's too.

I woke up feeling distraught and tired. For a moment I completely forgot about what happened last night and now that's it's all crashing back to me I can't seem to think straight. What gets to me the most is the fact that Nafisa might really be serious, she never sees me cry and walk away except last night. I just hope she'll give me another chance.

I took my bath and got dressed and by 10am I was infront of Nafisa's parent's house. I keep calling her phone but she won't answer, the guard won't let me in but I'm not giving up no matter what.

I sat in my car even when the Asr prayer was being called. The gate opened and Bello came out with his usual frown.
"Hashim what are you doing here?" He asks angrily.
"I want to see Nafisa"I say back.

"You know how I get when it comes to my sister and for the sake of the friendship we had I'm telling you nicely to leave".
"I just want to talk to her, that's it".

"Is that really it? I warned that naive girl not to get back together with a guy like you but she loved you too much she didn't listen to any of us. In a way I'm thankful you showed her you're not worth it"

"Okay think whatever you want. I just want to talk to her"
"And thank you. If it wasn't for you she would still be stubborn but now when we tell her you and your daughter should leave the country for a while she listens"

"What?" I ask unbelievably.
"You heard me, she's leaving tomorrow but I'll tell you not to bother waiting here because she isn't here" he says and walks away.

He turns around "Hashim go pray, you not praying and staying here won't fall on my sister" he continues walking but not before smiling.

SONG: BTS - Heartbeat.

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