Life With The Ex, Three: Family Misunderstanding.

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   "CHITA!!?!? You want us to go to Chita?" Hashim asks as he abruptly sits up.
"Yeah what's wrong with Chita?"
"I thought we agreed we'll be going to Ceuta?" He asks.

"I know but I've been to Spain before. Shouldn't we go to places we have never been before?"

"And I have always wanted to go to Spain with my wife. We talked about this multiple times when we were dating and I've already bought The tickets. we can go next time we are traveling"
"Of course" he says smiling.

"What about your sisters? They didn't even come to our wedding" she asks him.

"You know how they are. They don't like me"
"Well it's not your fault that you are the only male child your late father had".

"Well it isn't but I'm their step junior brother who they despise"
"At least you know you have me, Okay?" She smiles.

   "I know" he hugs her.
"Now what would you like for lunch?"
    "Just you"

"I'm gonna fill you up, you won't have to eat dinner"
"Then I'll Just have you for dinner, don't you think?"
"I'll make sure I'll make it extra spicy but right now if you don't tell me what you want I'll just make you cous cous"
"Nah Nah Nah. Hell no!" He says letting her go.

"Then what do you want? It's getting late"
"Just make me your amazing cous cous"

"That was what I offered to make"
"Really? I honestly don't remember" he says sitting back down on the couch.
"Typical Hashim" She says walking to the kitchen.


   "Lunch is ready" she says keeping the tray on the table.
"Oh Lord! Finally!" He says walking to the table.

"This looks amazing, hun" he tells her as he picks up his fork.
"You make the best food"
"I know I do, I know I do"
"Wow! You and your ego"

"Yeah yeah whatever. It's only normal with all this talent" she answers back pointing to herself.
"I think that's one of the things that makes me fall more and more in love with you, you're incredible"
    "I am incredible" she says.
Her phone starts ringing.
"It's Rabiatu" she says awkwardly.

"Why is my sister calling you?"
"Should I answer?"
"Yeah go ahead"


Nafisa yakike?

Lafiya dai. How are the children?

They are good. I'm sorry I couldn't make it to the wedding.

Yeah I heard you had to go to your neighbor's 4 year old daughter's birthday party over your own brothers wedding.

Hashim glared at her.

Well they personally invited me.

I thought family always comes first.

Yeah I forget he's family.

And I forget you're part of his family.

It's true. Anyway I just called to say hi.

Thanks it means a lot.

Don't mention it. I'm happy to we are family after all.


Yeah. Bye.
She ends the call.

"Why were you talking to her like that?" He asks with a scowl on his face.
"Like what? What are you talking about?" She asks confused.
"I get she is a self centered woman but that wasn't respectful"
"She didn't come because of a birthday party. They don't even care what other people think"
"Nafisa? Next time I would appreciate it if you would talk to her with respect".

    "Okay. I'm sorry"
"It's fine. Hurry and finish up so we can watch together" he says helping her pack the dishes and taking them to the kitchen.


    "You look good. Like really good" Rahama says to Nafisa.

They were sitting in their office going through a folder filled with pictures of furnitures.
"That is going to be perfect" Rahama tells her.

"No it's not. It's blue. We are suppose to make everything for a mature male"
     "And blue isn't?"

"Blue says 'I'm trying too hard to look like a grown up' so I think grey is better"
"Grey? Mature?" She asks.

"Yeah. It's unisex so it's going to be perfect"
"Let's stop talking about work for now. What I need to know is how it has been going with Hashim"
"You don't need to know, you want to know and you don't have to know"

"Wow! If you can remember clearly I'm a married woman too"
"Then why do you want to know Miss Aminu?"

"I want to know how everything went these past 2 weeks you took a break from because I know you definitely didn't just hang out"
     "What if we did?"

"I know Hashim wouldn't waste time watching or sleeping. He'd rather spend every single moment with you on your soft pink bed"
"It's not completely pink" she says back.
"Let's continue working we can talk about it later during lunch" she adds.

"Gross! I don't want to talk about your intense sexual experience while I'm eating. What are you trying to do? Scar me?"
"You asked for it" She says laughing.


Sorry this chapter is short
I was in a hurry to finish Up.

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