Life With The Ex, Eight: Apologies Or Bribes?

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Hashim woke up feeling dizzy, he slowly got up after twisting and turning.
He sat up and looked around. He realized he spent the night alone in his room.
He got up to enter the bathroom but tripped on his shopping bags and fell.
He remembered telling Nafisa the things are for she and Anisa but what were they doing there.

   He slowly got up and entered the bathroom.
Immediately he got out he went to Nafisa's room but she wasn't there, she had already cleaned it up and Anisa wasn't in her crib too.
He walked downstairs in a fast pace. After checking the house he realized the house was completely empty. He runs over to the front door, it was open. He opened it and saw her car parked outside. He walks out bare foot looking for them until he finally found her walking outside with Anisa in her arms.

   "Nafisa!" He calls her.
She turns around and looks at him before turning back and continue walking. He quickly catches up to her.
"What are you doing out here? I got scared when I didn't see you inside"
"Why?" She scoffs.

"Isn't it too cold for her outside?"
"Seriously? What do you expect me to do? stay cooped up in the house? And she is wearing a sweater as you can see. I got bored of taking pictures inside and I came out to get some fresh air with my daughter"
   "Okay. Okay. You don't have to get defensive"
"I don't?" She asks sarcastically.

"Why did you bring those bags to my room?" He asks crossing his arms.
"I didn't want to do anything and get blasted for it, my bad" she says walking away.
    "Sorry for last night"
"No need it was my fault for caring enough to ask, it won't happen again" she says still walking.

   He catches up to her, holding her arm to stop her from walking any further.
"I'm sorry. It was just that the whole trip was exhausting and infuriating. I didn't mean to take it out on you, I love you. It wasn't my intention to hurt you"

   "Okay. Fine but next time if you can't tell me what is wrong with you at least don't let it show because no matter what I will always ask you about your mood when you seem down"
   "Okay, agreed" he puts his arm around her shoulders.

"Show me the pictures"
"I think you should take a bath first"
He smiles.
   "I smell good, right?"
"You wish Alhaji"


"She looks a lot like you, like a lot" Amir says.
Hashim is going to drop him off at the train station.
   "She does?"
"No doubt she has Nafisa's eyes but she is your exact replica"

   "She does?""No doubt she has Nafisa's eyes but she is your exact replica"

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"But what's with you?" Amir asks.

"What do you mean?" He asks raising his eyebrows.
"You're awfully quiet and that's unusual"

"Nothing. Just tired"
"That's just an excuse. You said it yourself that you woke up by 11:30 this morning"

"It's fatigue"
"Are you a doctor? How would you know it's fatigue?"

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