Life With The Ex, Sixteen: Not Coming.

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Okay, I seriously need to ask..
Who Has Watched Game Of Thrones?Because I really want to know if I'm not the only thinking that the ending sucks.
But this picture👆🏽 is my all time favorite.

Nafisa hasn't called me since 2days back, I didn't show up and she doesn't want to hear a word from me. Muhibba is making breakfast while I wait in the living room. I feel guilty that I don't feel that bad for not being there. I'm not sure I'm fit to be a father.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Before I could get up I hear the guest come in. Seconds later Amir comes in. I can't let him see Muhibba, I know I won't hear the end of it.
"I just heard from Rumaisa that Nafisa left with Anisa to Rochester"

"Yeah She did".

"What happened? I also heard from Kabir that you weren't home when it happened"

"Yeah I was in a business meeting at that time"

"We should go out"

He sits down "When are you going to join them?"

"I misplaced my passport. But why don't we go have breakfast somewhere else?" I ask nervously.

"Wow! Are you trying to kick me out? Wait! Do you have a girl over?" He asks with a wink.

"Haba! How can you say such crap. Shege!" I say.

He starts laughing but stops looking at something behind me. Internally I was hoping it wasn't Muhibba but I guessed otherwise when he abruptly stands.

"Hashim! What the hell is she doing here?"
I turn around and see Muhibba standing, holding a tray of food.

"Amir, how are you?" She asks.
"What is she doing here this early? Wait! Did you bring her after Nafisa left?

Before I could say a word she speaks first.
"No! I've been living here for over 4months"

He turns around and looks at me, his mouth hanging wide open.
" brought your ex to live with your wife and child? How can you be so inconsiderate?"

"She agreed"

"I know you and I know you practically forced her into doing it. Kabir told me she has been spending more time in his house than her own house and I thought she was just missing her family but that's not the case....she couldn't stand living with you"

"You don't know what's going on" I say pathetically.

"I don't? Please enlighten me" He says sarcastically.

"Muhibba had no place to stay, her step children kicked her out".

"And because you're stupid, you actually brought her to live with you. I was going to work when Nafisa called me to check up on you, she said she didn't want to talk to you after you gave her a silly excuse for not coming but I told her there must have been an error I know what she meant. Wait! I'm sure she had something to do your passport"

"She just misplaced it neh kawai"

"Oh lord! Hashim you're so stupid and easy. How much of an idiot can you be?"

"Mind it! Don't come into my house and think you can tell me trash. Just leave".

"Glady. I'll be joining them tomorrow. I really thought you loved her"

"I do? Both her and Anisa"

"You don't. At least you love that filthy slut behind you more than your wife and child. I just hope you don't end up regretting it" He storms out.

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