Life With The Ex, Twenty-Two: Back Together.

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Our Baby Anisa👆🏼

"You can't be serious!" Ya Kabir says furiously.

"I am. Yaya he is pleading and he apologized" I say back defensively.

"You're not getting back together with him!"
"We're already married! It's not like we're divorced anyway"

"Nafisa? Please don't be stupid" he says frustratedly.

Ya Kabir, Ya Fatima, Bello and I are all seated in the living room.
"Anisa needs her father" I say as an excuse I hope I don't get caught with.

"That's an excuse" Bello says shaking with rage. Sometimes I feel bad for the woman that will marry Bello because he has a bad temper, if I wasn't older than he is, he would have beaten me to a pulp.

"It's not. I really want this for her. She doesn't even know her father and I don't want that nor do I want to be blamed for it" I say.

"Get a divorce. You'll get child support and you don't have to be with him" Fatima says trying to reason with me.

"I'm not changing my mind" I reply back stubbornly.

"Leave her alone" Bello says. We all turn around and look at him. He is staring blankly at the rug. "If she feels like throwing away what is left of her pride then let her do it and don't get me wrong I don't want you to but if that's what you wish I won't force it on you dear sister" and with that he walks out.

We all stare at each other before Ya Kabir angrily walks out.
"We are only warning you because we are worried" Fatima walks out too.

I take out my phone and call Hashim.

So is it done?

They hate the idea.

Don't worry. It'll be worth it.

Will it?

I promise it will.


When are you coming? Or should I pick you up?

No! With this drama it's best if you don't show your face.

I can't believe Fatima hates me now too. She was always there.

Well I don't blame her.

Are you changing your mind already?

No, not yet though.

What do you mean not yet?

Before you decide to seek Muhibba again.

I wouldn't, I promise wallahi.

I end the call.


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