Life With The Ex, Twenty One: Meeting Her Again.

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"OMG!! Nafisa! How could you do this to me?" Fatima asks after finally reuniting with Nafisa.
"I'm sorry. Ya Kabir and I should have told you".
"Wait! What? Ya Kabir knew about it?"

"Yes. Since the day I left".
"Wow! Wow! I can't believe it. He never told anyone about it. Not even ammi and baba."

"Yeah and please I'm begging you...don't tell them" I say back pleadingly.
She smiles "keh! I'm not a snitch"

"Wait where the hell is my cute little niece?" She asks as she clasps her hands.

"Oh! Anisa!" She shouts.
Seconds later Anisa comes in running.

"OMG!! Is this really her?!" She asks excitedly surprised

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"OMG!! Is this really her?!" She asks excitedly surprised.

She picks Anisa up and holds her cheeks.
"She's all grown up. She's walking too" Fatima says with tears in her eyes.
"Yeah. She's big. And she's going to be three tomorrow. We are celebrating it in Ya Kabir's house"

"Oh really? Wait Nafisa! What about Hashim? Does he know you're back yet?" She asks.

"Yeah. I saw him and I invited him" I say bored.
She takes Anisa off her thighs and lets the girl run.

"You evil self centered girl! How could you leave with his child!?" She asks angrily.

"I had to Fatima. I couldn't stand it any longer" I say as I start feeling tears gather in my eyes.

She didn't know, she doesn't know. But I know, I know he chose Muhibba over Anisa and I, I know he'll choose her over us again, I know he is confused and I know I still love him so much. I do but my daughter and I always come first for me.

"Nafisa! I'm talking to you!" She says. She's getting angry.
"I can't talk about this now" I stand up but she holds my hand.

"You two were a prosperous family who showed no signs of discord! Why would you leave and throw your marriage in the garbage!"
"You were gone for an aeon! You left everyone here!" She adds as the grip on my hands got tighter.

"It doesn't matter now"

"It doesn't? You didn't think about anyone but yourself!"

I stay quiet.
"What the hell is wrong with you!?"

I sigh.
"He cheated on me" I say calmly in an attempt to placate her with the truth.
"What!?" She asks letting my hand go.

"I think it was 3months after Anisa was born. He convinced me to let his ex live with us since she's homeless but he started choosing her over Anisa and I over and over again! When we left with Anisa so she could be treated, he used the opportunity to do what ever he wanted with that girl, Fatima he cheated on me and chose her! I couldn't stay"

She stays quiet looking at me worriedly.
"Why didn't you tell us?" She asks putting an arm around my shoulder.

"You're the only one who doesn't know apart from Ammi and baba"
"Why do you people always keep things from me?" She asks crying.

"Because you get hurt more than any of us!"
"Oh my god!"

I wipe away my tears and smile.
"Don't worry it's all over inshallah"


Someone pulls me by the side.
"What the hell?" I ask when I see its Hashim.

The party just started and only a few people are here.
"Did Ya Kabir See you?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Where is she?" He asks.
"She's inside with Fatima"

I turn to leave but he holds my hand delicately.
"Nafisa? I'm really sorry! I never meant to hurt you and I promise you that I have changed. Wallahi Muhibba And I Aren't together. In fact I have seen her since the last time I kicked her out"

"And when was that?" I ask. No matter how much I hate him I really want to hear him out.

"Three months after you left"
"You waited until after three months?"

"For that three months I wasn't home. In that three months I was too busy looking for you and Anisa. I wanted to get you back badly. I love you fifi, wallahi I do and I know I was stupid and insensitive but that part of our life is over. I've changed and I'll still continue to change. I just want you and our daughter back home with me".

I can feel it.
I can feel my heart about to give in.

I walk away.

I enter the living room and see Anisa seated on Bello's lap.
"Anisa? Come here" I call her.

"What is it? She's enjoying herself" Bello says holding her tighter.
I walk over to where they sat down and slapped his hand before I pick her up in my arms.

"Shege! Just because you're taller you want to bully me?" I say to him playfully.

She and I walk over to where Hashim was standing.
He was talking to someone I don't know.

"And the birthday girl" The man says smiling.
Hashim turns around. His eyes land on Anisa who was still playing with my bracelet.

He kneels and holds her hand.
She kept looking at him weirdly.
He smiles at her and she smiles back.

"Anisa?" He calls her name.
His deep voice scares her and he tights her grip on my finger.

I pick her up and momentarily hold her before handing her to him.
He couldn't stop smiling.

"She looks a lot like you now" He says smiling widely

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"She looks a lot like you now" He says smiling widely.
"Yeah she does"

"Ummi?" Anisa calls me.
I only smile back.

"She still doesn't talk much though" I say back.
"Just like me"

He says and I smile.
He turns around and looks at me.
"I miss this so much. I want it back"

I roll my eyes.
"I'm serious. She needs both her parents in her life. She does"

I admit that he is right.
She does need both of us and I need him too.

"Wallahi I've changed and I'll continue to change for you and her"

I can't help but want what he just said badly.
I want my own family and as long as I'm being resilient I'll never find happiness and I need it.

"Okay Fine" I blurt out.
His eyes widen.

"Really? Are you serious? You forgive me?"
"Don't misunderstand things. I'm giving you another chance and this time it's the last one"

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