Life With The Ex: Authors note.

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Hello Readers,

   The newest update of this book will skip the whole time she was pregnant.
There might be flash backs in the episodes ahead.

   Also I wanted to give a little shoutout to my other books.

Harum Scarum.










   Those are the words used to describe Ammah.
The girl who has everything, she has done everything she ever wanted to do and more.

    Living the life.....
But things change for her in an instant.....
She losses everything.

   She's about to go through hell living a life she never thought possible.

Muhammad Hamza, a hardworking man that owns a real estate company. He wants the perfect girl and he finally found her...Ammah. He feels she's perfect but she can't stand him because he reminds her of her past.
Is she willing to marry him to get off the dirty streets?

Harum Scarum: Very wild and reckless, uncontrollable...

Then another book: Forever Yours.

Abubakar Aliyu his parents puppet.
    They make all the decisions in his life for him due to their social standards.

But he escapes using his arranged marriage. He gains freedom after marrying Fauziyya Tafida.
     But here's the twist, he hates her because his parents chose her and he's planning to make her life hell.

Will she retaliate?


  P.S. This is a temporary account due to the difficulties I'm having with my real account but you can read my books there also @amynahyusuf

Another:  Our Perfect Love Story.

Picture a situation were two people live together although they hate each other.

   Because he is forced to marry a girl he doesn't know even after he loves someone else while she agreed so that she could save her father from bankruptcy.

Now they have to go through hell together.
He hates her.
She hates him and they have to live together.
    Just not in harmony.

Book by: @Dreamwriter

Then: Love And Revenge.

What happens when everyone sees you the same way, a self absorbed, egotistical, spoilt, arrogant person even though you're not?
   But then you meet the one person who stands by you, pampers you and consoles you?
How would you feel when you find out it was all an act to make the arrogant, spoilt girl pay for undermining others?

    Though you left the country and started on a clean slate it still hurts you. Now you're back and not just to run away from the embarrassment and disgrace but to get back at them all.
  But what if because of that you will eventually end up married to your heartbreaker?

Will you let your feelings return and fall In love again?
Will you make him pay for treating you like garbage?

    Rumaisa Ali Bature is about to go through hell and back but she's not going alone, she'll make sure of it.

And Lastly: Bonded.

"Khadijah you aren't the only one forced in this marriage"

             "Yusuf have you ever bee....."

      "You have always used that against me saying you two have been together for a long time. So what Khadijah? You aren't you aren't the first girl to be forced to get married when there is a guy out there she is in love with".
      "Yusuf I'm sorry it's just that....."

   "Khadijah.....goodnight " I slam door.


        Khadija Abdulmalik is sweet,  she doesn't like people who don't have/make time for her. She lost her parents and had to put her life on hold for her junior siblings to help them through their loss. She is dating Mujib Ahriman a Sudanese boy who is almost done with his aviation course but he finds work more important than the woman he cares about.

Meet Yusuf Imran a handsome rich and very busy business tycoon who has no time for anything except work.  He lives with his 2 junior brothers, twins. He is dating a girl who is completely different from who she says she is but life has something else stored for their relationship.

They are brought together by their grand parents after both of them loose their parents.

They have to stand each other no matter what but he has his problems and so does she, can they set aside their difference to stay as a happy married couple? Or will they keep fighting?

Read to know their family drama.

Will the marriage work out?
Will they finally decide to be together?

    Try it out. I hope you like it.
Look forward to new chapters, things will get interesting soon enough😉

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