Life With The Ex, Twenty-Four: Finding Out.

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I sit excited waiting for Rumaisa to show up.
I called her and asked her to follow me to check out the house. I know it's not official yet but I can't control the rush I'm feeling whenever I think about it. My first real home, I had no say when it came to the furniture in the first one but this time it will be different and I'm so excited.

"You can't seem to stop smiling" Hashim says when he comes in with his cup of tea.
"Well I have my reasons" I reply back.
"It's good to see you this way but I need you to get dressed. I want to show you something"

"Really? What?" I ask trying to play cool but couldn't control the smile.
"Well you'll just have to wait and see darling"
"You know how I am with surprises, I can't control myself"
"This time you'll have to try. Since our baby girl is at your sister's house"

"Let me get my veil. Hurry and finish your tea"
"What do you mean? I'm coming with it"
"Whatever just don't spill it"

I run in and get my veil and flats.
I quickly come out and see Hashim in the car waiting for me. I rush in.


"How does she move her face with that much cheeks?" Nasir asks Fatima who was too busy feeding Anisa.

"You should have seen Nafisa's cheeks when she was a baby. She was so cute"
"Really? No wonder, she still has them . She's chubby"
"She is"

"How is she anyway? I noticed that you worry about her a lot these days"
"I know. I just don't like the idea that she is back together with that man" she says disgustedly.

"If she still loves him and he wants her back then why not let her do what she wants, maybe this is what she needs. Didn't you say just yesterday that she seems happier?"
"I did. And I loved seeing her that way fah"

"So you see? Let her live her life for once"
"Wow! Baby you have so much wisdom"
"I know I do"

"So shameless! See how you're smiling because I complimented you"
"Shameless? Me?" He asks unbelievably.

She notices his reaction and quickly took back her words "Sorry it was a slip of tongue"
He laughs "Anyway that aside....finish feeding her I need to be fed as well unless if you expect me to drink cerelac"

"Really? You want cerelac?" She asks.
"I'm taking zobo" He gets up and heads to the kitchen.


"Where are we going exactly?" I ask for the seventh time since we got out.
"You'll see" he says sipping his tea.

"Ugh! This is seriously frustrating!" I groan.
"We are here" he says and I quickly raise my head.

"This is not the place" I say when I notice it's not the house I saw last week.
"It's not? How would you know?" He asks tilting his head challengingly.

"Uhmm. No I was just saying" I try to cover up my disappointment.
"Okay let's go" he goes out and I follow him.

It's a jewelry shop.
It's big and fancy but it wasn't what I wanted and expected.
We go in and of course I kept my fake smile on.

"I came to collect my order under Hashim Abdulmalik" he says looking at me adoringly.
I smile back.
"Yes sir we'll get it right away" the attendant says and starts checking the glass. Seconds later she gives him a case.
He opens it and hands it to me.
It was a diamond ring, big and beautiful.

"Come on check it out" He says excitedly.
I bring it out and check it. My name was encrusted on the ring.
"It's gorgeous. You didn't have to do all this"

"Come on Nafisa. It's nothing compared to the love I feel for you"


"I have somewhere important I have to be but I'll be back early". He says when he parks in front of the house.
"Okay. I'll wait up" I say turning my head to the other box in his hands.
"It's for my mum. Someone is going to Abuja and I want him to deliver it to her, don't worry" he says reassuringly.

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