Life With The Ex, Ten: Getting Over Her (Flashback).

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After The Breakup.
    "Come on Hashim, she is trash, she has always been trash" Amir says to Hashim.

"Nah. She was my whole life"
"Your whole life? You're 23. You need to move on".

"23? Come on age doesn't matter. She left me for a rich old man"
"Exactly. You should forget about her mah kawai"

"It's not as easy as you make it seem."
"Abba didn't like her".
"I didn't care if he liked her or not".

"Don't you think this is what your step mother and step siblings will want?"
"what? For me and Abba to argue?"

"Obviously. Look, get up and go to your next lecture. Heart break has nothing to do with your education. Don't joke around with your future, my friend".

"Why do you think she did it?" He asks his friend.
"Honestly, I think it's because of his money. Muhibba only likes people for what they have".

"All I want is to hear her reasons"
"God! You're so easy. Too easy mah. You're easy to manipulate and she knows that so well. She's a pro at it so when you see her don't you ever ask her why she left you, Okay?"

"I know you don't have to tell me. I'm not a child". He walks out.


     Hashim And Amir were seated among their friends talking in their normal sitting area just outside of their campus. They usually sit there after lectures to talk and hunt for women.

"You've got to do it, a dare is a dare" Abdulmalik says.
"Kai dan kawai kanah da sunan ubana doesn't mean bazan ci ubanka bah (Just because you think you have my father's name doesn't mean I won't hurt you) " Hashim says back to him.
"Whatever, just go. Just stop wasting time" he replies back.

"Okay we'll choose a girl for you if you don't want to choose?" Amir suggests.
"No! I'll choose myself" he says looking at all the women that walk past them.

    "Her!" He says pointing to a girl wearing a black Abaya and black flats. She hung a black purse around her shoulder and walked in a natural slow pace.
"Her? She's just in her first year. She seems restricted" Aliyu says to him.
"And that's why he chose her. How old do you think she is?" Nasiru asks.

"Probably 20 or 21" Hashim says.
"Okay go for it" Abdulmalik says nudging his arm.

He gets up and shoves his back pack in Amir's chest before slowly walking over to the girl. She was talking with a friend, he didn't want to do it but if he did they would stop bothering him. As he walked closer he notices that the mood is a little intense. He could hear her talking about giving her test score to the wrong professor and they would think she was trying to cheat.
"Excuse me? Can I help?" He asks when he approaches her.
"No thanks" she says back not even looking at him.

"I've been here long enough to know any lecturer and every office"
She turns back around and looks at him.
That was the first time he saw her face clearly. And that was the moment he realized she couldn't be anything older than 18, she wasn't naive but she was young. Her body exaggerated her age.

  "Really? Where is it?" She asks expectantly.
"Yeah he'll help you out, I have to go someone is waiting for me" her friend says before walking away in a hurry.
     "I can't tell you where it is because you haven't told me who you gave it to"
"I thought you said you know every professor?" She asks crossing her arms.

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