The Warriors Who Brought Peace To Greece, Nightmares, & Lullabies

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The great battle lasted five hours, alot of Persians were dying painful deaths. Bringing forth the power of 4 but now 3 gods, Atreus used his speed to kill the enemies that he faces. Kratos would use the blades of exile to bring all of hell with his power, Calliope used her amazing skills to kill her enemies quicker with her duel wield swords and she used her light abilities to attack the Persian from far destinations (Calliope's kins of like Dr. light from the The flash on the CW). Y-N ended up going on a bloodbath spree- slaughtering Persians left and right not once slowing down as she faced men on twos threes or even fours, she dropped after the woman had reached her little girl. The Spartans out matched the Persians and Arcadians were doing alright, they weren't exactly skills warriors from half the time but they are good when it comes to handling a sword and shield.

Once the battle was over, Kratos, Atreus, and Calliope looked over the edge of the hill were Xerxes was and they knew the rest of his remaining army was on the other side. They knew that this war will never be over until the truth tyrant is defeated once and for all.

"You two, come with me to finish Xerxes. Boy, do you think you can get me on top of that hill?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good, let's go."

With that said Atreus grabs Kratos and Calliope's shoulders really tight, he brings them up the hill and they see that entire army of Xerxes while he sits on his golden throne and watches them.

'This will be over quickly if I use this.' Kratos says in his mind with a smirk as Atreus and Calliope back up a bit realizing what he's about to do.

"I banish you all to the darkest pits of Tartarus." Kratos says as he takes out the blade of Olympus.

He strikes it the ground, first it creates a blue tornado, then after a few seconds it crates a power wave that teleports the entire Persian army even Xerxes and his monsters to the realm of Hades. After it was over, not a single Persian was seen, they walk to the edge of the hill and All of the Greeks look up and stare the three gods who defeated the god-king. They all yell the names "Kratos, Calliope, Atreus" over and over again knowing this war is finished but their will always be another war and all of Greece will be ready the next time. All of the Greeks go back to their cities, and the Athenian had some reconstruction to do with Athens while the three gods head back to Olympus to get some rest knowing they used alot of strength and power.

The suns was rising, flowers blooming, birds singing, and now that the Persians are gone Greece can have peace once again. Atreus is still asleep having another dream like always but he was having a nightmare, in his dream he saw Norse Kratos fighting a god with who was know as Thor. Kratos was nearly defeated, but Atreus wasn't their to help him, the boy never a saw his father so injured before in his life, the young archer grunts, and scream in his sleep. It woke up Y-n, Faye, and Calliope, now they were trying to wake him up out of his nightmare but they couldn't.

In Atreus's dream, Thor was about to finish Norse Kratos with a final blow until Atreus screamed in his dream and in real life.

"Father! Nooo!" The young man screamed before the boy final wakes up, gasping as he saw the three girls next to him.

"Daddy! Are you ok?"

"Yes, Faye I'm fine. Don't you worry about me. I just had a nightmare about my father dying at the hands of Thor!"

"Oh. well, don't worry Honey it was just a nightmare, I still have those alot." Y-n said, seeing as she dreamt night after night about having Faye drowning even though her mommy was so close to reaching her baby girl.

"And Thor? I don't believe I've heard about him. Is he a god where you come from?" Calliope asked.

"Yes, he is known as the god of thunder. He comes form where we (Y-n and Atrues) grew up in the norse lands. And there are others too. And Odin, the all-father/king of the gods and protector of the nine realms."

"I understand. Do you want us to leave you be for a while?" Faye asked when she moved into her daddy's arms huddling to him as she cried. Her tears having turned to crystals when they fell.

"No, stay hear with me. I need you to be with me."

"I will stay with you, daddy." Faye says while giving her father a hug as Calliope leaves with blush on her face.

Atreus does the same and he says, "Thank you, Little Sunshine."

Then they stop hugging after a few seconds, as Faye sits in Atreus's lap. Y-n hummed softly as she came up with a new lullaby, as father and daughter leaned on their bride-mother.

Now let the day just slip away
So the dark night may watch over you
Then the view silent, true
It embraces your heart and your soul, Nocturne

Never cry, never sigh
You don't have to wonder why
Always be, always see
Come and dream the night with me, Nocturne

Faye looked to her mommy as her bright but sore voice washed over her small body. Her blue eyes closed as sleep took hold, Atrues knew their child would need a nap.

Have no fear when the night draws near
And fills you with dreams and desire
Like a child asleep so warm, so deep
You will find me their waiting for you, Nocturne

We will fly, see the sky
We don't have to wonder why
Always be, always see
Com and dream the night with me, Nocturne

Atrues laid Faye down for her nap and Y-n rested her head on her groom's shoulder as her voice gave one last verse to the song.

The darkness they
It will give way
When the dark night delivers the day, Nocturne

~Somewhere in an unknown location in Greece~

An old, tall man is seen out of the shadows. This unknown figure was quite familiar or unfamiliar in these like he's never been here in a long time, soon the Unknown figure knew exactly where to go.

"It's time to meet some old friends who I've not seen in a long time." The unknown man said as he continues walk to hisdestination.

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