The Search For Calliope

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About 10 minutes later after Calliope gets kidnapped by Chaos, Atreus was running through all of Greece to see if he can find Chaos's hideout in order to find Calliope and rescue her, the boy looking in abandoned houses, caves, secret passages, and mountains peaks. Atreus was worried about Calliope and she's young, much too young to face an enemy like Chaos, the boy is breathing hard and long from all of the running but he wouldn't give up so easily on his task he just had to keep moving forward in order to find her. Norse and Greek Kratos would've done the same thing as well but this is more greater than both of them and Atreus was their only hope in stopping Chaos, Hela and finding Calliope but he did not know another place to look, he is on his knees and in rage he hits the ground really hard with his right fist creating a small hole on the ground. And out of nowhere a shade appeared in front of Atreus unexpected, the boy quickly gets back up and pulls out his sword ready to fight this stranger and not letting his guard down.

the shade: Your mind is troubled, and your skills are without equal even if it means making a few mistakes.

Atreus: Who are you?

The shade: I'm Orkos, the oath keeper. Son of Ares, the god of war and Alecto, the fury queen. I know what you are seeking I can see it in your eyes, you want to find Calliope your half-sister and kill Chaos your future evil self.

Atreus: Ok...? Do you happen to know where Calliope is? Speak in fast details now because my blade thirsts for blood!

Orkos: Calliope, she is being held in a prison that's known as the prison of the damned also called Aegean the Hecatonchires. But to help your sister, you will need to seek an Oracle, she has an item that posses the ability to decay or rebuild structures even manipulate time to slow down your own opponents, it's called the amulet of Uroborus. The Oracle is at her temple in Delphi and she can help you. The furies relentlessly hunt you down in the name of Chaos but if you find the Oracle before my mothers find you I can teleport you to the prison of damned.

Atreus: Why are you doing this after what I'd done to your father?

Orkos: I hated Ares more than anything else in this world, I thank you for your help Atreus.

Atreus: Your welcome I guess? And why not just teleport me to this prison of the damned right now, Calliope cannot last a day in there!

Orkos: I cannot do it right now you will need to find the amulet first, and Chaos spoke with Alecto telling her to put a barrier around the entire prison that can disable your powers. I have also been spying on them since they brought Calliope to the Hecatonchires, so you will need the item for the path ahead, Atreus.

Atreus: And what path is that?

Orkos: The path of freedom.

Atreus: Freedom?

Orkos: Yes, freedom from the wrath of Chaos, Hela, and the furies. You should use the blue necklace to still your mind, the furies will use illusions to try to distract you.

Atreus forgot the fact that he was still holding his sisters gift in his right hand really tight and turned his attention towards Orkos with a smirk. He did not trust the oath keeper just yet but he was curious about why he wanted to help him and he will find out sooner or later.

Atreus: Right.

The both hear a loud echoing sound from in the distance, Atreus has never heard this unfamiliar noise before but Orkos knew the source of the sound.

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