Faye's Help & Journey To The Sisters of Fate

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Chaos caught up to Belphegor easily, was about to yell at her for not having the girl. That until Belphegor grabbed his chin and turned his gaze up to where Faye sat on the cave top with the ghost children gathered around her.  Faye knew Chaos was nearby yet not moving from her spot among her children, not wanting to get them hurt. Moving Astinos and the toddler who she named Marietta, from her lap and shoulders respectively to stand and move away from them.

With her wings tucked away Faye looked like she had tattoos on her arms in the shape of tight spirals the whole the length of her arms. The other gods were watching this whole scene and needless to say they couldn't make heads or tails of Faye's new markings. But Chaos would be making a big mistake in trying to hurt the little goddess, what she lacked in size would be made up by her creations and magic.

"You've been a hard rat to track girl."

"I have a name, you know." Faye said a little on edge with this guy. "You took my mom and I won't forgive you if you've done anything to her."

"You don't know anything, little Faye." Belphegor smirked at her daughter's wit and said, "She been looking for you I can take you to her."

Faye wasn't sure what to believe but she suddenly felt tired and almost fell over. Belphegor got a hold of Faye and cradled her close making her a ball of white hair. Chaos got tackled by the oldest boy, Roderic, making them hit the ground as the fight like angry kids. Punches, scratchs bloody blows when through the child since he was a spirit but Chaos was getting his ass whoped by a ghost child. Which seems pretty embarrassing, come to think of it.

Chaos took his chance shoving the child off of him but, when he looked to Belphegor he had to cover his eyes from the bright light coming from the said woman. The gem y-n's soul was in broke when it hit the ground, and found its proper place inside of her body again. Y-n had the darkness shoved out of her as Faye's love for her mother washed through her body, Chaos fled knowing he had lost one chance.

~At Mount Olympus~


he sun was rising through over the horizon, flowers blooming, birds singing, and everything else is normal. Calliope was waking up, she rubbed her eyes, got out of bed and went to check on Atreus to see if he was alright after last nights battle with Chaos. Calliope enters the boy's room and sees that Atreus is still sleeping peacefully, she walks up to Atreus, kneels down with one knee and softly grabs his hand with both of her. She smiles and began to speak with a whisper making sure not to wake him up.

Calliope: "Atreus, you have always been there for me, I have never met anyone who is amazing as you. You've been a good brother, the best I could ask for. I know we will find a way to beat Chaos, so we can live in peace once again. We need you back, Greece needs you and she will have her savior."

After Calliope finished talking, she kissed his forehead then began to leave the room and exit the chambers. She is walking through the hallways, and runs into Norse Kratos and now they will have their own conversation with no one else around.

Calliope: "Father."

Norse Kratos: "Calliope. How is Atreus? is the boy alright?"

Calliope: "Yes he is, my brother is still recovering from last nights battle. He is resting right now."

Norse Kratos: "Good. You should know, the boy actually went through a hard time after his mother passed away. Atreus and I had a long journey to spread Faye's ashes to the highest peak, The boy was getting on my nerves most of the. And ever since I brought the destruction of Olympus, I've suffered through nightmares about my past, the people I've slaughtered, and killing you and Lysandra in my timeline."

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