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Morning came by as Atreus stumbles upon a shop at the city of Sparta. Atreus always wanted to get something nice for Calliope, before her mother pass away she would wear these special earrings almost everyday when she took him on a hunt. He never got the chance to ask her where she got them but when Sindri, the blacksmith germophobic dwarf said to him that he made the earrings for her after he made her Leviathan axe. Atreus looked around the shop and he sees beautiful dresses, jewelry, scarfs, and colorful necklaces with sphere diamonds, Atreus decides that a necklace would be a perfect gift for Calliope. He spots a really nice blue necklace with a blue sapphire sphere diamond that has a resemblance to the color of his own eyes.

Shop keeper: See anything in liking young warrior?

Atreus: Yes sir, this necklace right here how much is it worth?

Shop keeper: 50 coin.

Atreus: 50 coin? hmm, is there any way that hacksilver would work as well?

Shop keeper: Hacksilver? Is it other word for coin.

Atreus: Yes sir, give me a second.

Atreus pulls out a bag of hacksilver, and in the bag was like a thousand coins. He takes out one coin to show and give it to the Shop keeper, he examines the coin and thinks that this coin of some sort is from another land.

Shop keeper: Apologies young one but I don't think that these sort of coins would be acceptable from Greece. You would have to gain coins like ours if you want to get this necklace.

Atreus: Oh.

Shop keeper: Why do you want to buy this item, what brings the true reason?

Atreus: I want to get this for my sister before... she goes to the afterlife.

Shop keeper: Is she suffering from a sickness?

Atreus: Yes, she is.

Atreus lied to the shop keeper because he did not want to know the full truth of what really happens in the future. But to make sure that the shop keeper believes him was that he would shed a few tears and let them out as they drop from his face.

Shop keeper: I am truly sorry to hear that young one. I'll tell you what I will let you purchase this necklace for these coins but just remember the next time you come next to a shop make sure that all shop owners will only receive greek coins.

Atreus: Thank you so much.

Shop keeper: Likewise young one.

Atreus hands the shop keeper 50 hacksilver coins, the shop keeper receives the coin and gives the necklace to Atreus, they both shake hands and thanked eachother. Atreus heads back to Olympus to give Calliope her gift, and he hopes she'll love the necklace.

~On Calliopes side of the side of the story after Atreus leaves Olympus~

Calliope gets out of her bed knowing that her brother left Mount Olympus but she did not know the reason behind it but she also knows that he will come back from wherever he heads off to. She first went to the baths to clean up, got into her battle uniform. Did her hair and what she did was that she removed her braids so that her hair can change into a long fashion like Lysandra's hair. After she finishes getting ready she walks to the door that exits the chamber and right before she was about to walk out an unexpected visitor seeks up from behind, holds her in a choke hold with his left hand and covers her mouth with his right hand so she wouldn't scream or making any other noise to not give away his position. Calliope was not even expecting that to happen, she was petrified by not knowing who was holding her captive until the stranger spoke in a dark and threatening disordered voice in her right ear.

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