A Fast Battle & Prophecies

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~At Sparta~

"Well I'm sure he wouldn't like the idea as well. But I was actually practicing for Chaos next battle since I accidentally almost destroyed our training arena."

"Oh, so that's how the earthquake started. Well I understand how you feel, you only want to protect me. I get it, now Atreus."

"Thanks, Calliope. I knew you would understand."

"And I give you this for being such a good brother to me." Atreus wasn't sure of what she meant but when she hugs him he understood what she meant.

But she wasn't done talking yet she does this playful threat hopping she doesn't hurt Atreus in a painful way.

"And this is for waking me up, thinking we were all attack." Calliope says while still hugging Atreus.

She literally punched Atreus in the stomach but not to hard. The boy groans in pain, he wasn't really expecting that to happen.

"Ok, I guess I deserved that."

"Of course you did."

"Alright that's enough. I guess you should head back to Olympus to get ready for the plan."

"Your right. And Atreus their's something I need to tell you."

"Really, what is it?"

"Well, I have the same..." Calliope's sentence was interrupted by a woosh sound and who was at the front door was none other than Chaos.

Atreus quickly grabs Calliope's hand and puts her behind him for her protection. Atreus whispers in Calliope's ear.

"Calliope, find another way out and signal the gods to ready the trap." He says

Calliope nods her head in a yes gesture, and she exits the palace. When she is outside, she puts her hand upwards to create a white beacon and Norse Kratos noticed Calliope's signal. So he quickly let's the gods know to set up the trap. On Atreus's point of view after Calliope exits the palace.

"So you finally decided to show your face again, Chaos."

"This time the gods will watch us as I beat you, as you cry for mercy."

"If you want to do that, then catch up to me." With that said Atreus runs out of the palace and Chaos gives chase.

Atreus was actually doing well at out running Chaos this time, but however Chaos was slightly catching up with him but they are in Olympus already. Atreus stopped in one of the hallways and Chaos stopped as well, and now they face eachother.

"I see you have gotten slightly faster, Good. Soon enough we have a battle that will destroy all of Greece."

"Not gonna happen today or any other day."

"We will see about that, boy." But in the blink of an eye, Chaos punched Atreus in the gut.

Then in the chin and it causes the boy to be in the air for a second but Chaos grabs his left leg, slams Atreus to the ground and up into the air again. Chaos leaps to Atreus's body to send them both a wall and destroying it, and now they are on the ground in the battle arena. Atreus gets back up with ease and gets into a battle stance.

'I just have to make him step into the energy walls so he can't escape.'

Next Atreus charged Chaos but this time the boy had the upper hand, in the speed of light the boy begins to fight Chaos head-on. They were both striking and dodging eachothers attacks, over and over. They both grab eachothers fists and were pushing forward, their great strength causes Olympus to shake beneath their feet, the grounds crumbling, skies splitting, and walls tumbling. Atreus noticed that Chaos's body was right behind the energy barriers but they weren't turned on just yet, he just needed a push, so he head-butted Chaos in the face and punched him in the gut that forced his body to back up.

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