Stay Out Of Our Way

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Not far from the island of the sisters of fate Norse Kratos and Greek Kratos are still riding on the Pegasuses, Undead soliders are heading their way while riding on these big bird creatures and their are hundreds of them.

Norse and Greek Kratos decided to split up, half of the army is going after Greek Kratos and the other is going after Norse Kratos. Greek Kratos is slashing the undead soldiers, brutally killing them and their mindless flying beast. Norse Kratos wasn't going to use the blades of chaos, so he decides to use the Leviathan axe instead, he throws the axe multiple times killing the enemies from far destinations. No beast, mortal, demigod or god would ever dare stand a chance against two Kratos's.

Once they reach the idea, they dismounted off the flying horses and set out to find Atreus and Calliope, when they reach the bog of the forgotten battle arena, they see the Barbarian King who lies dead with his brains scattered upon the ground.

Greek Kratos: The Barbarian King? how did he escaped the depths of the underworld?

Norse Kratos: I do not know? I encountered him in my timeline when he was seeking vengeance on me. But this must be Atreus's doing, the boy has gotten angry again.

Greek Kratos: And how do you know that?

Norse Kratos: Because I know my son, I know how he acts. Trust me on that.

Greek Kratos: Maybe. So now the Barbarian King is dead where do you suppose that the children went to next?

Norse Kratos: Over their beyond the trees toward north. They could be going to the path where they see the temple.

Greek Kratos: Fine then, lead the way.

The next part changes with Atreus and Calliope in the temple of creation, both children are still walking to an opened door and on the other side was a long pool that was only one feet tall. When they enter the door begins to close, a man that was known as Perseus was running to the door but he did not make it in time.

Perseus: That door was my only escape. I have faced test after test in search of the sisters and now you have dashed it all away, you have certainly do not live up to your reputations god of speed and goddess of light. But perhaps this is a test, are you watching me now sisters. Give me a sign I'm I the great Perseus to kill these two gods to receive an audience with you, will that allow me to bring my love back from the grasp of Hades himself. If not then I shall be known as the who brought down the mighty Atreus and Calliope, the slayer of Ares.

Atreus: Uncle, we do not wish to fight, we can help you.

Perseus: I need no help boy. You both are all I need to get my wife back from Hades.

Perseus puts on a helmet that turns him invisible and runs to the pool.

Atreus: What the? he can turn invisible?

Calliope: Yeah, it looks like it. But it's only the helmet, we just have to take that off his head and make him weak Atreus, we don't have to kill him.

Atreus: You read my mind Calliope. Let's not use any weapons or powers this time.

Atreus and Calliope put their weapons away, Perseus throws a fire projectile at them but they dodged it in time. They step into the pool and it wasn't deep at all. They used their eyes to see Perseus's water footsteps to seek advantage. Atreus punches in the direction of Perseus's stomach where it hurts his body, Perseus was grunting in pain, he used his sun shield to blind Atreus's vision. The couldn't see for a few seconds, when Perseus tries to hit Atreus with his sword, Calliope slightly jumps towards Perseus and punches him in the face and when she grabs onto his head, she pulls out the helmet and smashes it. Perseus was now visible again, Atreus recovered his vision and was able to see again. Perseus pulls his sword and shield, he tries to strike the his half nephews but they were good at dodging attacks thanks to all the training that we share together. Atreus has had enough of this, his hits Perseus in the stomach, does an uppercut, and tosses him to the other side of the room, Perseus is really weak like he couldn't move an inch. Atreus and Calliope both walk out of the room to continue their journey leaving Perseus alone. They had now just discovered that they can access their speed, they now run at high speeds, they kept running until they stop at The Great Chasm, there was no bridge at all and the island of the sisters of fate was on the other side.

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