An Angery Father, & A Mother of Spirits

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A-n: here is the long awaited chapter 8 enjoy guys.


Atreus was the first one to wake up in the afternoon before Calliope, he decided to train alone in the arena. Atreus didn't want to use a weapon, so he decided to use his fists instead. Without hesitation Atreus runs around the arena going at super speed, he preforms a high jump into the air, while in the air hovering over Olympus he dives going really fast like a commit hitting the earth. When he lands on the ground it created a powerful shock wave like an earthquake.

Next he begins to throw alot of puches and kicks trying to seek advantage on studying Chaos's moves if has any chance of beating him, he remembers himself being mercilessly being beaten by Chaos's attack. Atreus begins to slowly get angry again, about Chaos threatening to kill Calliope, mocking his mother, humiliating him, even thinking about using his daughter for who-knows-what. Atreus was getting more angry by the second, it causes him to loose control again. The boy was so angry that he runs to a nearby wall in the arena and punches it with strong a fist, destroying the wall as it crumbles in pieces and it slightly shakes Olympus.

Atreus took in deep breaths, and he was just surprised on what he had done. The boy nearly destroyed the arena with a single hit and said, "Oops."

Greek Kratos was actually near the gate with his back up against the wall watching the hole thing from the start and Atreus noticed him as Greek Kratos walks to him and faces the boy.

"Well that was quite a performance."

"I'm sorry."

"I think you would have to say that to Zeus, he actually created this place."

"Oh. Well I guess I'll do that later and I should be able to go Sparta later at dawn. And soon enough we will know who's the man behind the mask and spill alot of blood from his body."

"I must admit that you really want to kill Chaos after everything he has done."

"He needs to pay for humiliating me, insulting my mother. He even threatened to kill Calliope but I won't let that happen, not even in a million years!"

"Perhaps, but we need to figure this out together. If you choose to walk this vengeful path, bad consequences could lead to disasters, Atreus."

"I know but all I want is to keep Calliope and Lysandra safe no matter what. I will not stand by and watch Chaos hurt the ones I care about, I have to do something."

"Atreus, you have to see to it that all you need to know is that the plan will succeed and when it does we will have all of the information that we seek."

"Your right. I should to Sparta later on and then Chaos will be begging for mercy."

With that said, Atreus walks out of Olympus and heads to Sparta to wait for Chaos, the man who refers to himself as Ultimate god. Meanwhile Greek Kratos checking in on Lysandra and Calliope making sure that they are alright from Atreus's small outburst of fury, rage, and vengeance.

"Kratos, what happened? the whole mountain was shaking?"

~With Faye~

Faye woke a night her feet still felt tender but weren't as bad as earlier. She moved keeping the toddler in her arms before playing the little next the oldest child to lean on. Crawling out. Faye was welcome with cold air and a star lit sky with moon shining happily at her which reminders her of her mother. Just like her mother Faye loves song and been preparing one for her family after the wedding but now she could practice it again.

(A-n: The song is called Canary by Vocaloid Kagamine Rin and the ryhum of this song it just perfect to me so the lyrics aren't the same. Just enjoy the song, you guys.)

The night sky is bright
yet my heart is happy
Why? I just wonder why you smile?
Even in the darkest of times?

It is possible to see good in evil?
I believe so even if others don't,
it is true
The dead, living, and everything in between they all deserve a chance
Whether I am right or wrong that remains to be seen

Let this journey continue on we just trek on, no matter what
I can't recall a time of day or night when your smile faded from your cheerful face
1, 2, 3, 4

Belphegor heard Faye's voice but stopped in her tracks as her chest swelled with joy and pride as y-n spoke up, "That's my daughter, don't give in."

Faye's hand began to glow along with her back just slight below her shoulder blades. 

If our lives end to soon there is still hope afterwords
We still can love if you allow yourself to be free
That is the one thing I know
Keep your heart open and love will find you

Even if your are a little selfish keep those word in mind
Love can provide happiness and calm thoughts
Yet my heart still feels empty, just a little bit

A pair of light green wings appeared yet they were twice her size. However the wings opened and flapped while Faye's smile got wider as she took off from the ground.

But I still have a open heart and mind
I am the Goddess of Creation and proud to be
I am a Mother of Spirits and happy to have found them to fill that empty space in my heart

Belphegor watched in amazement but the darkness inside of her wasn't letting when y-n wanted be free from her dark prison and hold her child. Faye meant more to her than her own life and as a mother y-n would go to the ends of the world for her little light. The spirit children were watching from near the cave as Faye flew overhead finally happy that they had someone to care for them when the land and people forgot.

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