Faye's Future Love & A Greek Wedding Gone Bad

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Previously on God of War: A Different Turn.

Faye ran past the watchful gaze of Hermes and Y-n was wondering where everyone is at the moment. Atrues got a hold of his daughter as she tried to dash past him, Norse Kratos saw the white hair of his granddaughter as she squirmed about. Faye froze as she looked at the Norse man, Kartos saw his wife's eyes on the child who giggled.

"Father I would like to meet your granddaughter, Faye."

"Hello Papa."

(A-N: Faye calls Greek Kratos Grandpa & Norse Kartos Papa.)

Norse Kratos wasn't in shock he had a grandchild, who was named after his second wife. He picked up Faye who giggled even more. She stayed crying as she said, "Your beard tickles, papa."

Y-n rounded the corner and paused as she took in the sight before her.

"Well lass, there you are." Mimir said as y-n snapped out of her daze.

"Mimir, it is good to see you."

"Mommy! I found Papa!!" Faye said cutely making her mother laugh as Atrues wrapped his arms around his bride's waist.

Now back to your regular scheduled programming (story update)

The next day early in the morning, an hour before dawn, Calliope Faye and Lasandya woke y-n up. It is the wadding day of Faye's parents and her mommy would need as much time as she could get to be ready. Y-n was given a bath and had her h-c locks laced with honey after the tangled mass was bushed. Her outfit was like all the other goddesses but it had pink and golden flowers around the waist.

A wreath of matching flowers (look above) was placed on her head, with a white ribbon was tied on the wreath to detail the green leaves. Calliope slipped out of the room as the other finished up with y-n light make-up in a shade of blue

~With The Groom~

Atrues and Norse Kratos were talking as the young man sat nervously wanting this day to go on without something going wrong.

"It may also take some time for the Olympian gods to earn my trust. But today is your day my son, enjoy it."

"They will father. The Greek gods aren't to bad here in this timeline but remember all gods aren't so bad like the norse god of war, Tyr." Atreus is right about one thing but it will take some time to convince the Greek gods about trusting both Kratos's from different timelines. "I will try to father."

"Yes, that's a great idea. You both should let your mind wander at the beautiful sight of ancient Greece." Mimir is agreeing with his young friend.

If Kratos and Atreus hadn't freed Mimir from his prison tree in the other timeline he would have been stuck there until the end of time. Atreus and Calliope move outside Olympus, the first place they go to is Athens. They wanted to see how Themistocles was doing after the battle with Xerxes. The city was almost but still had some reconstruction left.

They young gods enter Themistocles's palace amd see him drinking a cup of wine while looking at a map that shows all Greece. Themistocles looks back and sees his young friends.

"Themistocles, it is so good you again." Atreus says with joy while he and Calliope are giving him a hug.

Themistocles does the same and replies "My friends, it's good to see you too. I heard it is your wedding day Atrues, congrats."

"We see Athens is still under reconstruction. And it looks like we won't have to worry about more enemy's for the next few years now that Xerxes is gone for good." Calliope replies to Themistocles while all three of them stop hugging.

"Yes, Calliope. It will take some time to restore Athens to how she was again. and if it weren't for Kratos this war would've never been over."

"That's true. Do you want to come to the wedding?" Atreus questioned the Athenian general and Calliope agrees with the idea.

"I think it would be a nice day for that." Themistocles has made his decision while they exit his temple and walk around Athens.

"Do you plan to make the Athenians more better, stronger, and faster?"

"Yes, Atreus. I thought of the idea a few days ago. Now with anything to worry about, our Athenian army will be ready like the great Spartans."

"That's a great idea, Themistocles . The next time we face another enemy, all of the Greeks will defend Greece, Even the entire world."

"Calliope is right, Themistocles. Even if the gods decided not to help we will fight alongside with you every step of the way until the end of time."

Queen Gorgo spotted the three walking to her with a smile as her son was nearby with Faye. The young prince, Talon, took of the wolf dang that belonged to his father and placed it around Faye's neck. Looking to Talon Faye smiled and him a golden lily to protect the boy when the Agoge came. Talon gave Faye a kiss on the cheek since no one was looking at them. A set of transparent green shackles appeared around the children's necks; they are now destined to married when Prince Falon returned from the Agoge.

"My lady, wait for me."

"Don't worry." Faye said knowing that Talon would trust her words. "I will wait forever if I must."

Atrues turned to his daughter and said, "Faye, time to go."

"Coming Dad!" Faye said running to catch up to her father and aunt, so they could leave.


An unknown man stood wearing black armor with a dark helmet to hide his own identity with glowing yellow eyes. He smirked knowing this day will be his and not Artues's. Y-n would his and hidden away until his plans for her worked in his favor. He watched from the shadow of a pillar watching as the lovely bride walkes down to her groom. The dark of the man stops at her beauty and insence gaze turns to Zeus just as Artues's does.

Darkness suddenly gripped the space and screams from the females rang but two were not heard, y-n's and Faye's. When the darkness cleared Faye was unconscious near where her mother's wedding wreath lay on the ground, the bride was now missing.

'Well this is just perfect.' Greek Kartos thought. 'My son will go mad if y-n is harmed.'

A black patch of smoke wrapped around a pillar far behind those who gathered for a joyous ceremony. Atrues wasn't having any of these damn games today since his beloved was now gone and his daughter was hurt, yet again.

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