The Story of Vengeance

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After Calliope and Atreus left mount olympus to find the sisters of fates are temple, Norse Kratos walks to the Olympian pantheon meeting of the gods. All of Greek gods are already there, Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Thanatos, Hermes, Hephaestus, Greek Kratos, Lysandra, Aphrodite, Persephone, Helios, Athena, Artemis, and Hera.

Norse Kratos: Everyone. Zeus. I came here to tell you all how it started in my timeline after Ares tricked me into killing Lysandra and Calliope. And bringing the destruction of Olympus.

Mimir: I honestly would like to hear it.

Before he could continue the story of how it all started with the destruction of Olympus, everyone began to stay silence while Zeus makes his decision.

Zeus: Fine then. My son, let us all here this tale of your life.

Kratos began to sit down on his seat, next he's about to begin the story of how he became the warrior that destroyed Olympus. He took a deep breath and began to speak making sure that everyone would hear.

Norse Kratos: It all started with my family dying in front of me, by my own hand. I knew I would have to seek vengeance against Ares after what he had done, the Oracle cursed me to where the ashes of Calliope and Lysandra, I was known as the Ghost of Sparta. A few days later, the fury sisters captured me after I broke the blood oath to Ares. I escaped my prison and I need to be freed from the blood oath, I thought that if I'd killed the fury sisters it would brake my blood oath but I would have to kill one more person to be freed from the blood oath and that was to kill Orkos, the oath keeper. After that I've been suffering with these nightmares about my past sins everyday, I've been serving all of you for 10 years. My final task was to kill the god of war with the help from Pandora's Box, I actually was the first mortal to reach Pandora's Box on the back of Cronos. After I defeated Ares, I was granted to become the new god of war. For 10 years of being the god of war I've been destroying multiple cities around Greece to let world know of the glory of Sparta, the gods were afraid to stand against me, so Zeus made a plan. He made me use the blade of Olympus to drain my god powers and it left me to become mortal once again. Zeus killed me but Gaia, Queen of the titans revived me and guided me to the sisters of fates temple, I killed them and went back in time to the moment Zeus killed me. Right before I was about to kill the king of the Olympus, Athena sacrificed herself to save Zeus. I decided to go back in time again to the great war and bring all of the titans to the future before Zeus sentenced them to Tartarus. The titans were all dying by the gods, but I was the only one to survive. I kill all of the gods who stood my way to get to Zeus. After I killed Zeus, I realized after I opened Pandora's Box the evils of the great war spread to all of Greece, it infected the gods, and Zeus was consumed by the evil. I still had the power of hope when I opened the box after the years of being the god of war, I impaled myself with the blade of Olympus to release it to the mortal. I was bleeding out until my wound healed itself and I thought that I could never die and then that's when I traveled to the land of the Norse gods to live as a man. My son Atreus, was the only family I had left, after we scattered Faye's ashes to the highest peak. We went back home... (A-N: This part basically covers the first book so I'm just going to skip over it.) I told Atreus and y-n about my past and so I gave them the power of the sisters of fate to make a change. And here you all are, listening to the Spartan who destroyed Olympus.

Mimir: Well I certainly enjoyed it, and I thought that being imprisoned in a tree was worse.

Zeus: It seems that we all have much to do catch up on, my son. So Pandora's Box was the reason that it all started, I think that it was useful enough to make sure that the box never opens.

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