The Enemies Take Action, & Finishing The Wedding

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Calliope and Atreus stopped hugging after a few seconds, Atreus noticed the weapons Calliope has on her back he couldn't quite make it out, the boy asked Calliope to give her one of the weapons to get a closer look at it. Atreus examines it for a while and then he remembered the name of the two identical weapons.

Atreus: The blades of chaos, how did you get these?

Calliope: Chaos rapped my wrists around chains but I never realized that I was being held by my father's old fire blades.

Atreus: Oh. Well these will definitely come in handy in the future. Come on let's find a way out of this stupid place.

Calliope: You read my mind brother.

Atreus: I also like what you did with your hair. You look beautiful.

Calliope: Thanks Atreus.

Atreus hands back the blade to Calliope, she puts it to her back along with the other one and began walking. Atreus wasn't sure where Orkos was, he thinks that he could still be around the prison searching for us or should they search for him. Out of nowhere in front of them the prison changes into the city of Sparta, an illusion forged by Tisiphone yet they do not know of her treachery until she appeared in front of the young Immortal gods as two take out their weapons.

Tisiphone: We only need to bring you both home.

Tisiphone creates another illusion around Atreus and Calliope making them think that they in Greek Kratos's old home in Sparta but they refuse trying not to fall for her so called mind tricks.

Calliope: Our home is in Sparta!

Atreus and Calliope both rush to the door in front of them breaking it on impact to face Tisiphone. She uses her powers to create illusions of Spartans, 11 of them holding shields and spears. All of them charge to two gods but Atreus and Calliope were showing their own strength to the greatest warriors knowing that they can't face powerful opponents. While hovering in the air Tisiphone summons her Daimon, a powerful bird like creature that is made dark magic. The Daimon sends fire projectiles at Atreus and Calliope but both of them dodge the attacks, Atreus pulls out his bow and shoot arrows at Tisiphone but the fury creates a wall in front of her to stop the arrows. Tisiphone commands her Daimon to charge Calliope and Atreus, the bird grabs both of them with his big talons, it takes them to the outside enterence of Alecto's chamber as the bird slams the children to the ground hard. Both of them are on the ground in pain, groaning, and when they get back up both of them don't see Tisiphone anymore or the Daimon bird creature but one question was in their heads "Why would the bird leave us here". They had no choice but to enter the chamber. Once they enter the chamber the doors close from behind, they were not expecting this whatsoever, both of them witness the sight of a small wooden cabin surrounded by alot of snow. Atreus was somewhat used to this environment, Calliope on the other hand was getting a little cold, her arms and legs shivering since she doesn't have a fur outfit to protect her body and doesn't recall seeing a house like this before but when she sees the face that Atreus was giving while he was looking at the wooden house the boy thought that he would never see this house again, it was his mother's and father's house. without even saying a word he slowly walks forward to the door with Norse runic symbols on the left and right side, Calliope slowly follows him from behind, Atreus grabs the handle of the door ready to open it but hesitated for a second. This time Atreus opens the door entering the house with Calliope at his side, they walk to the middle of the house and see the dinner table on the right side near the fire place with a huge pot that's used for making stew, few candles that are lit, a huge water bucket, the two beds at the very end of the house, one that's vertical for Atreus's size and the other facing horizontal was large enough for two adults. A beautiful figure stands at the opened door, and when Atreus and Calliope look back at the door they see nothing more then Laufey the Just/ Faye. Atreus gasps in surprise see his mother again after her passing, after completing her last wish to scatter her ashes in Jotunheim, the boy was just speechless but him and Calliope both know this could be another trick by the furies, so it looks like they're going to have to play along. Faye smiles at seeing her son yet again but what really caught her attention was the young girl next to her son, the last guardian of the giants closes the door to enter the house walking to Atreus and kneels at his level, placing her right hand on the boy's soft face as Atreus just smiles and letting a few tears out. Atreus brings his mother into a tight huge, showing how much he missed her after being gone so long while Calliope just smiles at this beautiful scene.

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