Even The Purest Heart Can Be Tainted

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A-n: Guys I am truly sorry for the long wait but I've been having family and internet probloms. So here is the chapter I meant to have put about 3 days ago. Enjoy guys!

~With Y-n~

The man in dark armor carried an unconscious woman into the depts of the Death Kingdom, Thanos's Realm. Y-n's spirit was thrown out of her body and into a pendant around the man's neck. She wanted to scream but without a body the woman couldn't even make the simplest or smallest sound. The only thing she could do was curse at the man who just smiled with a cruel tone mixed in with his chuckling.

"You don't understand do you? Y-n, I should be familiar to you." The man said as his laugh made made the spirit freeze in horror.

"I remember you." Her anger grew making the gem shine brightly. "You're the one who placed these damn cursed shackles by Odin's orders, didn't you?"

"That is correct," he said yet something made no sense from his vege words. "But that is only half the reason."

Y-N had her words dry on her tounge, as she thought. 'What in the name of the Gods is he getting at?'

"Let me show you...." The man said as his spirit joined y-n's in his memories.

A small little boy, with short, brown hair, stood in the center of the white room. In his white, hospital dress, the boy stared down at the floor, confused and utterly lost. He was frightened by the room, even though there was nothing in it. Maybe that was why he was scared.

There is nothing to look at. Nothing to watch, feel, smell, or touch. It was colorless and bland. The boy in the room was the only person there. He didn't want to speak, but then again, he couldn't speak either. He had no voice. He didn't even know what he looked like because he couldn't see his reflection. Not only that, but he didn't know where he was.

'Who am I?'

The boy, now about 12, walked through the wood of Midguard lost in thought. What reached his ears was a sound, crying, the high pitch was one only a baby could make. He followed the sound until it was right front of him, a woman lie dead with a baby in her arms. The woman was a witch, there was no mistaking it. But the little one was something else entirely, the power and will given off by the baby was one pure, royal authority.

Bending down to pick up the baby the crying stopped as big e-c eyes looked up at the man. A grin spread on the little one's face as a patch of h-c hair showed up when the blanket fell off of the baby's head. The man spotted a scroll with a seal near the dead woman, and grabbed it. He opened the scroll and read the words on the page.

"'Dear Vivian,

When you have reached your home you must care for my only child, my little lady. If you cannot think of a name for her that I have already done, her name is Y-n the Princess of Domira. Odin will be looking for her, keep away from that vile so-called AllFather. I only hope my little princess will understand why I couldn't be her mother, but I had to choose. It was either my youth or my child, how is that a fair choice?

Please protect Y-n even it costs your life she must live until her mate finds her. I do not wish for anymore unnecessary death to be at her feet, my daughter doesn't deserve that type of life.

With Great Gratitude,
Queen Jo-Ana, the Doll,
The Queen of Domira.'"

The boy couldn't believe his eyes as he looked to the baby, y-n who was fast asleep. He heard shouting and armor pounding as he turned to run keeping his grip tight on the little princess. He reach home and hid y-n in the cupboard of the room with a bottle of milk in case she got hungry. The soilders of Odin kicked in the door and the boy glared with anger at the intruders.

"Where is the child?" The head soilder asked.

"What child?'" The boy reponded, playing dumb.

"There was a baby in a dead woman's arms!" The soilder snapped at the boy. "The child belongs to the AllFather, it is the laws He made."

"I'm sorry but I don't go by His rules." The boy said as his eyes glowed gold, ready to kill. "Leave before I kill each and everyone of you."

The guards left without another word and returned home to Asguard. The boy checked the cupboard, y-n was drinking the milk he left. He took the little bundle in his arms but the AllFather himself showed up and threatened to kill them both if the boy didn't obey him.

The boy didn't wish for a life so small to pass so he did as he was commanded. Forging magical shackles took 3 years since he had to watch y-n most of the time. When he was done the shackles were placed on the girl, who was now 7, and cursed to never be removed.  After 5 years the chains gave out and Y-n ran for her life away from the god realm and to Midguard where her memories first began a new.
The man who had found and cared for her was watching from a distance since that day.

"You kept me under your watch?" y-n couldn't even wrap her head around that story.

"It wasn't a choice." The man said as his smile became a frown. "You couldn't raise yourself and that witch had dead too soon for you."

"You're the reason I went through all that pain." Y-n was very angry, in fact her anger began to darken the pendant. "You're evil. You don't deserve to live."

"I have a name you ungrateful little bitch." The man said cluching the pendant tightly in his hand that it would creak if he squeezed any harder. "My name is Chaos."

"Chaos?" Y-n was in a state of pure shock.

Chaos had his hand glow with a red energy, making the woman's soul change from a bright and lovely white to a black and sickly hue. The pendant was placed around the neck of y-n body, her eyes opened to reveal all black eyes with white slits for pupils. Her outfit was still the same but her mind was foggy as if a mist was inside of her head. Chaos gave the woman a hand to stand but what he was interested was not in the soul inside of y-n bit her new name.

"What will we call you, my dear?" Chaos asked with a slight playful tone.

"I think Belphegor would do." The woman said with a menacing gleam in her eyes.

"Belphegor, the Lady of War." He recalled. "It is perfect."

GoW: A Different TurnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora