The True Power of Creation

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A-n: guys I know this is a bit shorter than normal but it is all I could come up with. I will add onto this if you guys want. Enjoy everyone!

Faye had Astinos the Fox following, covering the girl's tracks with his own throwing Belphegor off the little goddess's trail. Needlesss to say it was pissing Belphegor off, the tracks made no damn sense and the heat around her was making things worse. Astinos felt bad about his father's death but knew he couldn't change that fact, so he would help Faye save what he couldn't; his parent. Her mother wasn't easy to track down when the woman went into hiding.

Faye had been walking for at least two day by her guess since the sun sat at the place of midday in the sky. The heat of this was bearable but her clothes were sticking to her skin making the heat feel worse than it really is, and she had a sunburn on the soles of her feet. (A-N: I checked and actually had this happened; it is possible to get sunburned on your feet.)

"I need to find some place dark and cold to stay until my feet heal..." Faye muttered to herself when laughter hit her ears and her gaze shot up to look for the source.

A small group of roughly 4 - 6 kids walking by the weird thing was the kids were ghosts since Faye could see through them. The youngest of the group ran and took the goddess's hand which made Faye shiver at the cold touch. The child of maybe 5 lead the white haired girl to a cave while Astinos landed on Faye's head, his paws were really hot that was for sure. The small cave opening was hidden by dry bushes that were thick to make intruders nothing was here.

Crawling through the opening Faye was greet with crisp cool air and shade. The stone floor felt wonderful against her burned feet, Astinos settled beside a rock basking in welcoming cold stone. The oldest of the group, a boy, had some type of cream and bandages which he placed on the soles of Faye's feet. The children kept close to Faye for they thought she was their mother, this made Faye feel sad she felt their pain and suffering. The youngest was a pretty girl no older than a toddler with big milky-white eyes and pale grey hair, in her small hands was a rolled up scroll.

Faye took the scroll and unrolled the parchment. Her eyes widened to the size of dinner plates as she read the first line of words.

"'The true power of Creation is as strong as the power of Death and Chaos itself. Maybe even more. Creation was created to be the counterpart of the being who would hold the power of Chaos and Death. He or She was never meant to be a one person army.'"

Faye blinked in awe, she had no idea how she could be so powerful but there was one problem; she had gained her full powrr, yet.

"'Creation is nither a demonic or an angelic entity, the gifted goddess can create but also destroy. This power was created to help keep order in the balance of good and evil. A little girl who would be named after one of her grandmothers will be the only one who can destroy and create.'"

Faye needed to find her mother and get this Chaos guy out of the picture. If she at least find someway to fix this mess.... The toddler tugged on Faye's skirt with big puppy eyes, which made the white haired girl pick up the little one and cradle her. The other huddled to Faye for warmth and safety, but Faye knew she wanted to keep this kids safe all of them, no matter how they looked or who they were.

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