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The sweet smell of fresh flowers cut through the scent of fresh baked bread and coffee beans that polluted the streets of the city. Ara lifted her her nose into the air to smell the strong scent, and smiled to herself while the morning sun kissed her skin.

The milk skinned goddess was painted by the sun's golden hues. Her flawless skin and angelic features captured the attention of those walking by. She looked so beautiful with the smile on her face as she walked through the streets, oblivious to the stares of admiration towards her beauty. She looked like a goddess in the yellow sundress that fell over her curves, perfect for season as summer was just at its start.

As she entered her favorite floral shop, the aroma of various flowers wafted through the air surrounding her and she could no longer smell the fresh baguette in her basket.

"Good morning." Ara greeted the young woman at the crafts table who had been arranging a bouquet of flowers.

The woman whipped her head around, a smile already on her small, plump lips when she saw Ara. Her almond eyes were a natural deep blue as she was mixed with German. Her skin was a bit darker than Ara's from her mother's Japanese skin,  contrasting nicely with her eyes. She was gorgeous and absolutely sweet.

"Hey!" The young woman smiled, waving a hand at Ara. "I was worried! You didn't come by yesterday."

Ara laughed, approaching the crafts table and watching the girl assemble the bouquet consisting of three orange tulips and many forget-me-not flowers.

"I had unexpected plans." Ara smiles, thinking back at her day with Jimin at the apple farm.

"Seems like they it was a good unexpected surprise?" The girl asked, arching a brow at Ara's blushing face and twinkling eye.

Ara rolled her eyes at the look she was getting and they laughed together. "It was actually. No need to worry, Hana."

Hana smiles, continuing the assembly. She wraps the flowers in white tissue paper before wrapping the set with brown paper and tying an baby orange bow around it to hold it in place.

"This is beautiful." Ara admired the bouque.

Hana nodded, eyeing the bouquet herself. "He's a regular, too. Always the same arrangement."

Ara's gaze landed on Hana's huge, diamond rock on her wedding finger. The diamonds around the band sparkle just as bright as the main rock at the center, and Ara smiles. "Speaking of arrangements, have you started plannning your wedding?"

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