Chapter 31

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(A/N do I have any fans of this book?¿ lol like maybe 5? Please comment and vote it means everything! Also there is going to be another book. This will most likely lead to a third book. The second book will either be titled, Secrets, or Tomorrow. The third is a surprise that will be revealed at a later date. Thank you so much and I love you all so much.

Dedicated to my lovely friends who put up with me and enjoy this story.)

Chapter 31

Battle Scars


Telling everything to Hayes last week made me feel surprisingly relieved. Getting that huge weight off my shoulders, made everything so much easier.

Nash brought something up at breakfast that really hit me like a punch in the face.

School starts in two weeks.

I'm so nervous about starting school in a new place, but relieved.

A fresh start. Nobody who bullies me. Nobody who knows of my past, but only of the future I build for myself.

Elizabeth said she would take us school shopping tomorrow and get me enrolled for the new year.

One thing that's really hard for me though is that my birthday is this weekend. My sweet 16 that I'm going to spend alone.

I can't tell Elizabeth or Nash because they will want to throw a huge party and they've already done more than enough for me.

Maybe I could tell Hayes.

I don't think Hayes had told anyone of my secret, cause I've been treated the same as always. I have alot of trust in that boy.

"Guys pool party tomorrow at Cam's invite whoever you want." Nash text me.

"Okay. Does that mean Madi, or do you think that would make Hayes uncomfortable?" I send back.

"Ugh. I don't really know about that one. Ask him?" he responds.

"Oh god.😐" I send back

"Hayes?" I call from my room.

A few seconds later my door creaks open, and Hayes sticks his head in.


"Pool party tomorrow at Cam's, right?" I start.

"Yeah." He asks lifting an eyebrow.

"Be honest. Would it make you- uncomfortable if Madi was there?" I ask.

"Oh uhm, no, I guess not." He shakes his head and his jaw muscles clench.

"What happened between you two?" I ask, since I did tell him about myself.

"She was cheating on me. With one of my best friends." he sighs.

"You liked her alot?" I ask.

"Um. Yeah I did..." he bites his lip and I get the urge to curse at him. To make him stop.

The lip bite. Oh god the lip bite.

"Did you love her?" I barely choke out, between my major heart palpitations.

"Of course not. She didn't love me either, nor my friend." He shakes his head.

"Thanks Hayes, for everything." I give him a small smile.

His hand flexes on the door frame, and he sighs.

"You're welcome, for everything. Anytime Bailee." He shuts the door behind him.

I take out my phone and pull up Madi's contact.

As I'm about to press send, for the invitation, something stops me and I delete the message. I stick my phone on charger and get ready for bed.

There's going to be a long day tomorrow.

(Photo: Hayes being a little athlete)

Battle Scars (Shawn Mendes, Hayes Grier, and Jack Gilinsky fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now