Chapter 8

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Momma Jackie rocking back and forth in the chair, Cecil holding her hand, and Caylin was sleeping on my shoulder. I was dozing off.. I decided to go check on Chaun. I went to his room, that nigga was knocked out.

Ughh, what's taking them so long with Cam bruh. They should telling us what's going on with Cam by now. I went back in the waiting room.

I went to sleep.

Hours past and past.......

Cameron Newton?

*Momma Jackie got up instantly, is my son ok? Is my son ok?

Caylin: Chauntel wake up the doctor's here.

I woke up and walked to the doctor.

Me: well? Is he ok?

Doctor: I'm sorry but Cameron didn't make it.

Momma Jackie dropped to the floor.

Jackie: my baby, my baby gone. Lawdd no.

Me: this can't be right. No, man, no.

I started crying.

Me: so, it's all over huh? Fuck, man.....

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