Chapter 20

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2 months later*


Me and Cam are about to graduate from high school, finally... Chaun is with his baby momma Jessica, and plans on marrying her. I hope he gets his shit together after they get married cause he not finna keep stressing me out bout no bitches. My mom is out of the hospital... cancer free. Thank God! John... he died last week. I was on my way to his funeral, it was very uncanny. Drag queens were everywhere. His mother didn't even cry during his funeral. He must of really upset some folks and he had a secret lover the whole entire time. His lover was a man, a drag queen. His name was Oliver, but his drag name was Olivia. Anyways, I look to my left I see an old friend from Elementary school. He was fine too. Dressed nicely. His name is Matthew. He's a white guy with pretty blue eyes, nice teeth. But he was bad as hell. He stole from his momma, he cussed out a drug dealers, and spit in they face, but now he looks like he goddamn sense, Chaun's baby momma decided to come with me since her dad was the minister.

Jessica: take a picture it'll last longer... she said after she caught me staring at Matthew..

I smacked my lips..

Me: i ain't even looking at that nigga.

Jessica: uhhh first of all, I saw you eyeballing him guhh you want him, second we in the church chill with all that cursing.

Me: my bad, my bad... but he's an old friend and I'm wondering why he's here.

Jessica: liar... Haha, girl you thinking bout doing the nasty with him. I bet you won't be looking at him like that if Cam was here.

Me: girl, fu... I mean forget Cam, and doing "the nasty" with Matthew? That just ridiculous. I don't even know him like that, he could be married with kids or got aids or something..

Jessica laughed hard, and everybody stared at us.

Jessica: uhhh, pay attention to my daddy please thanks... anyways why he gotta have aids? Hahaha. Mmm, ok I'm done.

Jessica laughed so hard, she got choked up.

Me: you ok girl? Hehehe.

Jessica: mmhmm. Ok, I'm done forreal. These drag queens are scaring me... they too cute but they hands big as fu... freak.

I laughed.....

Me: i know right...

* You probably thinking something is going on with me and cam which it is. He had some girls in his phone. NAKED. He replying to them saying ohh that's nice, i can't wait to see you again, and all that. I was highly upset and I cussed his ass out, and we broke up of course.

After the funeral, I bumped into Matthew like bumped into him acting like it was a accident.

Me: oh, I'm sorry...

Matthew: Ok, it's ok?

Before I tried to walk off he stopped me.

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