Why- The Perfect Twin

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"Another akuma, another day closer we are to finding Hu-Die !"

The blonde boldly announced to her companions. A boy with red hair and ice blue eyes looked at her confused as he looked through his wrist.

"We aren't even close to finding him or her, Buggie. And besides these akumas are keeping us in the wrong direction." The boy replied monotonously as he pointed to his miraculous. He was known as Chien to everyone in Paris and was one of the fellow members on Miraculous alongside the blunette. Yet the girl was actually not called Buggie to Paris. Rather it was an insult since she humiliated him by calling him Rouge. Personally, she didn't quite understand how his feelings were hurt that day.

"Well, Chien if you could stop barking at Ladybug, maybe you could remember that you almost revealed yourself and endangered your family."

The girl who spoke rarely had a mischievous grin on her face in satisfaction about her come back to Chien. She was known to be Blanc Renard as she had a white costume instead of the previous ones who had an orange or reddish color.

In the end, through all the constant arguments, their final warning towards their miraculous gave them a sigh of relief to the blunette who tried to break it down.

She used her yo-yo to swing her near her parents' house. As she detransformed into herself, she had a bright smile as she embraced her tiny kwami.

"Emma! The school project at Charlie's home? Remember, it was the only day you could meet with him, Nial, and Julia. " The tiny kwami squeaked as she went into the blonde's purse.

The blunette's eyed slowly widened as she started running all the way across Paris to the most luxurious hotel in her city. She promised Charlie that he would not have to do her work again. He and she were on good terms yet he reminded her of Chien based on his attitude. But before, he was the sweetest person she ever knew. Until his father's death changed him, and his mother tries to show him that there is still light in their lives.

When she finally ran to his room in the Bourgeois private hall with private access only with being accompanied by a butler. Yet with her rushing, she just ended up running without one. In a small accident, she instead bumped into a short blonde girl who had instead turquoise eyes than Charlie's ice blue eyes. She recognized it was his younger sister, Charlotte, who seemed to always have a bright smile.

"Emma! I am so sorry for bumping into you! Normally I am not really clumsy." The smaller blonde looked anxious as she picked up her sketch pad. Her drawing skills were beautiful, as told by her brothers. Yet Emma wished to see them, but she was extra private with them recently.

"It's fine, Lotte, anyways I have to go to Char's room." Emma smiled as she waved a goodbye to her as she knocked on Charlie's door. The door slowly opened to reveal a beautiful deluxe luxurious bedroom, that almost none unless they were like her papa to buy one.

"Oh, Em you are kinda late, again." Charlie sheepishly explained in his cold voice. Despite looking like his dad, his eyes proved that he was more like his mother. He would warm up to her since they known each other since they were tots but the others he still is trying to.

"Emmie, you got to be early, keep this up, and your diploma is gonna award you for most tardies. And someone did win that, by the way! Like 24 years ago! You are getting close to her record soon!" The boy who had a baseball cap with a plaid jacket around his waistline with a concerned look. His name was Nial, or rather he was a son of her parents' friends. He looked out for her and she also looked out for him.

"I am on time, first of all! It's ...." The girl checked the clock on Charlie's wall and saw she was fifteen minutes late. "Oh for the love of cheese." Emma mumbled as she crossed her arms and found a seat near Julia. She had a bright smile on as she played around with her medium length blonde hair. Well if you could call in that, as like Emma's aunt, Juleka she had purple highlights. And almost to the point, you couldn't see she had blonde hair.

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