Miraculous Ladybug: Tales of Y/N and Hugo Agreste

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I will be giving clues to who the villain is, so let me see if you guess them right.

Note: H/c= hair color; E/c= eye color, F/c= favorite color, y/n= Your name, h/l= hair length

Hugo's POV:

I clutched the umbrella in my hands with a fist. I felt butterflies were churning in my stomach. Was this love? I can't stop thinking about y/n's h/c. How it correlates to her ( insert comparison blue=ocean, green=emerald, brown= chocolate) e/c. But more than that, she was kind and gave her umbrella when she should know the next rain won't happen anytime soon.

Well, today has been a weird day. Emma, who was excited to wake me up, had used ice cold water to make me get out. Louis on the other hand wanted to put snakes but I doubt maman or papa would do that. Then papa and maman received a letter hand given by a "bird". And I thought people don't do that anymore, but they had worried looks.

Emma on the other hand is so happy to go to the college, and she kept on talking about her girlfriend, Cierra. They have been dating for a couple of months, well it did take them some time to realize that they actually really liked each other since they were always quick friends. At first, Emma and Charlotte tried hiding it for some time, but I ended up finding out when they kissed.

Flashback: 18 months ago

I was walking to Emma's room to say Cierra's mom was here to pick her up soon. Then I forget to knock since Emma would have locked the door if she wanted too. And then I see Cierra and Emma kissing on the lips. Emma opened her eyes to my widening look. Cierra looked at me and then started blushing hard.

"Hugo, I know it is kinda of hard to explain but, C and me are more than friends now. We are in a relationship for one month now. It took us some time to realize this, but we are lesbians. I don't want to tell maman or papa yet, they might not understand since they are not like us."

Flashback ends:

I promised the both of them and they finally told their parents after 6 months. They were fine with them being lesbians, and just happy for them. And asking when their wedding will happen. Maman, Papa, Mr. and Mrs.Trent wore a "Ciemma" t-shirt when ever the two are around. They seriously ship them.

And my little brother, Louis is about 13. But he takes 9th courses, like maman did. Of course maman was very smart but didn't do so well after 10th course until she reached 12th course where she did better. Louis wears glasses, and has inherited no personality traits from our parents.

He never says any puns, never is clumsy, never loves an inch of anything related to fashion, hates cats and any bug in general, never liked physics, never likes croissants, never like sweets, and is anti-social. His friend group is just him and Marc Kante. With their smarts they speak of boredom.

But despite that, he is the mature one out of all three of us. Yet we all three have different personas. Today was after all strange, helping a man I never knew with him giving a strange box in Chinese saying "Cat".

Maman hugged me as soon as I got home. She told me she and papa were worried when Emma couldn't find me anywhere. I told about the strange day except about the man and the box. But I think I should have not told her about y/n. She tells me this is a sign that we were meant to be. But I am only 15, what else can go wrong.

"Well I thought I should be served Camembert by now," says a strange noise.

Then I meet eyes with the most peculiar thing. I start then panicking and throwing stuff at the bug.

"Ah, a bug. A mouse! A cat! A bug-mouse-cat!"

"Relax Hugo, I am your kwami not a bug-mouse! Or really kinda of a cat!"

What will happen next to me?

DOnE! Now we should continue on your side from here. Sometimes we will see Hugo's thoughts. 

AN: Since this wasn't a fully developed idea, it just has no significant information! I think the villain should be up to your imagination since I didn't write it down somewhere XD

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