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Louis wasn't happy at all what had happened today. He would usually just break curfew and stay at Grace's house since Oliver was just a street off and then they would just hang. So he decided to come home instead. Emma was hanging with her friends and Adele was practicing with her band so they could play some gig. Luka was writing a new song to release in his studio, while Adrien worked on his lecture on Chinese and Physics for his classes to teach next semester in the university.

This was a rarity he was going to enjoy whether his parents and sisters liked it or not. He had his own set of keys to use responsibly when he got home. As usual, on a day he came early, he went to raid the kitchen for a mid-afternoon snack. A granola bar attracted his eyes from the chocolate inside the delicious healthy looking snack. He opened the delicate wrapper and crunched the hard granola with a hazelnut chocolate cream that tasted like heaven.

A wild thought crossed his mind as he remembered he was by himself with security cameras, but mostly by himself. Then Duusu appeared out of Louis' bag after waking from her daily nap. She frowned as she looked at her master having a mischevious glint in his eyes. Louis was too busy in his thoughts when he jumped at the sight of his kwami. Scratch that previous though, it was him, the security cameras, and Duusu.

"Sorry if I frightened you, Louis." Duusu apologized as she was about to cry again for her actions. After the previous Mayura, she was never truly the same.

"Nope, sorry you know I get scared easily and don't cry, please! I promise to share my granola bar if you stop crying." Louis replied as he petted the kwami affectionately and broke the rest of the granola bar to Duusu.

"They don't still taste as good as a blueberry!" Duusu remarked as she smiled replacing her sad face when she gulped the granola bar.

Louis shook his head and headed up the stairs to his room when he spotted the stairs to the attic. Memories were played in his mind as he remembered being scared of the attic and decided to go and face his childish fear. Duusu followed behind him as Louis remembered the combination to open the trap door that protected some old rusty things from his parent's earlier lives. Once the door was open, he peered at his surroundings and coughed slightly from the dust.

When he was able to support himself to the floor of the attic, he closed the trapdoor shut and continued glancing at the white covers and boxes with labels such as "The Twin's baby clothes" or "Old Sheet Music". Duusu was fascinated with the room as she admired the dust of the old boxes yet didn't stray too far from Louis. By accident, however, she knocked over a box without realizing it. A kwami had to be aware to be able to pass through objects. Louis rushed over to check if his kwami was alright and when he made sure, he was curious what did Duusu knock over.

The box was labeled "School Memories and Stuff around that time" and looked like it was handwritten by Adrien. Louis carefully opened the box and an old dusty book caught his wavering attention. He blew the dust that slowly went to the floor as it collected to make future dust bunnies. A photobook was in his hands with the name "Special Memories" written inside the first page where a picture of Adrien and Luka from their late teens. A girl who was smaller than the two of them was squished in between as she smiled having a similar grin to his own.

He flipped around the book to see variations of Luka, Adrien, his aunts Juleka and Rose, some possible classmates, and that same bluenette was in most of the pictures near his dads. Towards the end, he saw mature pictures of what would soon turn into how his dads who look today with the bluenette girl with her familiar smile. Then the last few pictures made his eyes widened as big as the time he met his favorite artist, Jagged Stone.

The blunette had two babies in her hand, two with bright emerald green eyes with one having a tuff of blonde, the other having a tuff of blue. He was astonished at the caption of "Marinette with Emma Emilie Agreste-Couffaine and Louis Thomas Agreste-Couffaine. Our little bundles of joy!" He furrowed his eyebrows to look at this Marinette since it was his horror that no wonder why he didn't have some of his dad's features. Emma looked like Adrien if he was a girl while he looked like Marinette if she was a boy. The name itself was similar since it was Adele's middle name and she must have been his surrogate mother.

A letter fell out when he tilted the book and it was addressed about 12 years ago when he was around three presumingly. It was from Marinette and the address was from New York, while it was sent to Luka and Adrien to Paris. He trembled to open the letter when Duusu peered at his shoulder to see why Louis was shaken. She gasped causing Louis to look at her in awe as he looked back at the photobook.

"Duusu, do you know Marinette Dupain-Cheng?" He asked so casually as the last name reminded him of Uncle Tom and Auntie Sabine which now that he knew, they mentioned having a daughter.

"M-Marinette? Pfft, I don't know any Marcynet(Intentional)." Duusu tried steering him off the topic, if he didn't know in the first place, it was probably the best to try to avoid it. She was shocked as well, but she felt like she was an imbecile for not realizing the connection earlier.

"Its fine- maybe I can...no they can never know I did." Louis was mumbling to himself about talking to his dads about Marinette. If they never did tell him for 15 years, then they have been keeping this secret for too long.

Duusu looked at him quietly as she wanted to tell him everything about his kind mother. She pondered at the dangers of telling him about Marinette, but that could lead to a positive outcome. Either way, she wasn't sure and she wasn't ready to find the consequences.

Meanwhile, Louis had tucked the letter into his leather jacket along with the picture of him and Marinette. He carefully placed the photobook inside the box without bothering to close the thing as he shoved it to a dark corner. The trapdoor became unlocked when he went down with Duusu and he sighed as he reached his room.

Inside he went to his desk and pulled out the picture and letter from his pocket inside his leather jacket. The picture was put in a small box containing important items that he treasured such as his diary and first tooth. Once it was closed, he began staring at the envelope and fingering trying to pull himself together to open it. Finally, he took it off and glanced at the beginning of the letter. It was no or never for him to discover the truth or lies that his parents had kept from him.

"Dear Adrien and Luka or my favorite dorks,"

Finished: October 21, 2018.

Notes Before Published: WOW, I was trying to write something else and now I finished the storyline so I can write it now without writer's block. This most likely will be published next year since I take too long to write. Chapters range no more than 2500 words. This is about 1200 words.

Extra of the next chapter: 

Emma Agreste-Couffaine hadn't ever had a bad morning excluding that horrid day from three years back but never. As usual, the blonde woke up early to get dressed and put on her flawless makeup and headed downstairs for breakfast. On these days of the month, Adrien would try to cook and Luka would thankfully cover his messes by having an extra edible set in case. 

AN: That is how far I got to due to time restrictions!

Plot map is the next chapter!

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