The Scrapbook-1

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-Author's POV-

Marinette Dupain-Cheng was a very busy woman who was a famous photographer who loved taking pictures while also managing to take care of her son, Louis Dupain-Cheng. Her photos were legendary as almost every single picture she had taken was in a museum or auctioned off to be in a hall of art in a rich mansion. She had traveled over 30 countries in the last 10 years with her son. But she never expected to go back to her beautiful home city of Paris or rather more her alma mater.

Her parents welcomed her and son with a warm embrace and a bag full of their favorite pastries they often ate together. Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng hadn't seen their daughter or grandson in person for almost five years. To be exact, Marinette never had stepped foot in Paris for ten years after graduating from the Univerity of Technology and Design. Where she had studied initially Fashion design before switching her majors to photography. A big change but she loved to take pictures since she was first given her own camera.

The 32-year-old shoved the chocolate chip cookies in her mouth and her son gobbled down the macaroons as her parents led her to their pastry truck with a huge line trailing behind thinking it was a food truck. Which technically it was, so the four of them started handing out the pastries remaining on the truck as Marinette felt nostalgia run through her mind. When they were done with the last customer, it was already 13:00 from their originally 8:00 meet up.

Marinette began taking a nap as her father drove from the airport to their bakery. Louis admired the streets of Paris as he saw them with his own eyes instead of his mother's pictures. He thought it was a beautiful city and one of the best cities he had ever seen. The six-year-old boy was tired of the notorious jetlags he had. Usually, he would stay with his nanny, Mrs.Cordell who he saw more than his mom until about when he turned four he began accompanying her through her adventures for taking photographs of amazing places.

When they arrived, Louis ran to the door and when the moment Louis entered in, the Dupain-Chengs' dog, Jaq licked his face. Louis laughed as Marinette somehow managed to pull the old dog away. Jaq was a present for her parents about ten years back and provided them some company so they wouldn't get lonely.

Tom suggested that Marinette and Louis could stay in Marinette's old bedroom upstairs. Marinette guided Louis through her familiar daily life through her childhood. When she opened the trap door, it was like she entered a part that she wished she never left.

Her room was still a cherry blossom pink color and her sheets looked like they had been washed recently by her parents for her visit. Louis excitedly rushed towards her pink swizzle chair and sat on it spinning. Marinette chuckled as she stared out at her old computer and gazed at the pictures of her old school crush, Adrien Agreste. He was a model, but if you had truly gotten to know him, he was like a cinnamon bun just wanting to be squeezed all day long.

She put Louis on her lap as she sat on the chair. She began typing her old password which she never forgot since she changed on the second day of her fourth year in college.

Username: Adrienisbae14

Password: *********(miraculous)

Louis had a puzzled expression when he saw the background as his mother was there with three strangers whom he never saw. He didn't have much time to examine as the computer powered off immediately. It indicated it needed a good charge for at least a couple of hours.

Marinette sighed as she pulled Louis closer to her and buried her face in his hair. Louis appreciated the warmth of his mother and looked at the small loft to Marinette's bed. He jumped off her lap and pulled her hand to the loft's stairs and laid down on the bedsheet. Marinette's cat plushy was at their current official home in New York. Yet Louis had a French accent from Marinette as he was developing how to talk when he was younger.

"Mama, we get to sleep in this cozy bed?" Louis asked as he smiled at his mom.

"Of course, sweetheart it was my favorite bed and I would always snuggle with Mr.Chat," Marinette said sweetly as she stroked his hair with her beautiful smile.

Mr.Chat was the name Louis dubbed Marinette's cat plushy. It was one of those things that Marinette loved about Louis.

Louis felt Marinette's old pillow very uncomfortable for a moment when he shifted to let his mother lay beside him. He sat up and raised the pillow up and found his eyes looking at an old journal of some kind. When he pulled it out, Marinette gasped and squealed while hugging Louis.

"Y-you found my old scrapbook when I went to college! Mon petit chat, I thought I lost this. I tried looking for it when I was cleaning out my stuff to leave Paris and I couldn't find where I left it." Marinette cried as she blew the dust to reveal a picture of Marinette and the words "Marinette's Photographs".

She was about to open it when her maman had called her to come down for dinner. Marinette closed the book, and when they were near her computer desk she left her scrapbook on it. Louis had a plan to read its secrets and maybe learn more about his mom's teenage life that they never really talked about.

Done: August 20, 2018

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