I will be your voice-The New Kid

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Bridgette's POV:

It was a brand new school year this year, but it will be my last. Cause I am senior(what my neighbor said while walking with me)! Also I got a lot of votes from last year to be considered the student body president. It was a huge honor, other than being top in the honor roll. I might seem like a nerd to everyone but I am just smart, and I am not into renaissance fairs.

I went to my usual group, who were inside chatting(author breaks down, get it chatting) about something. My group included Melodie, Sparrow, and Mercury. We also had Trixie but she is probably trying to be the first person to prank professor Damocles. They then surprised me with a banner saying," Congrats, Bri you are president, will you let us not get detention." Melodie looked me with the look she meant Sparrow, Trixie, and Mercury. "Oh, come on Bri. We are like your best friends in the whole school, please!" Mercury and Sparrow looked at me like they were begging for more candy on Halloween.

As I ignore their charm, I saw a blond haired boy. He had gray eyes, and looked unhappy. Come to think of it, I never saw him at this school. And I know almost everyone since forever. I think he was a new kid because he held his schedule tight and looked around.

I decided the nice thing to do was to introduce him to the gang. Instead I bump into him because he didn't notice me. "Hi, my name is Bridgette Trent. I been going to this school for the past few years. And I can tell that you are new, because I am student president this year and I know almost everyone." I felt like an idiot for putting myself high in standards. Who knows if this boy might think I am an idiot? Wait, everyone except them(Stay tuned January 2018 for them) hate me for winning this title.

I look at him expecting him to talk, but he awkwardly stands there. Then he pointed to his mouth and then put closes his fingers. I almost gasped. Oh he is getting down for real. But then he brought his student id card and showed me. It said, Felix Carter, 17 yrs old, and mute.

I felt bad for judging the poor guy as a player, but instead he was mute."Oh, you cannot speak. That is a shame, but nevertheless you seem like you need friends. You can hang with me, Melodie, Mercury, and Sparrow." The guys give him a friendly look as so do I.

Suddenly I heard a shrieking voice coming from the principal's office. "Trixie Kutuzenburg, you are getting detention for a whole month," says Mr.Damocles. "Sure, Owl. I will be glad too! For the 10th trixxversary of pranking a principal first!" That was Trixie for you. She was super nice, but the pranking master.

"What's down guys. Ooh, a new friend! I am Trixie Kutzenburg. Famous for pranking students since preschool." Felix moved his hands in sign language and for some apparent reason, Trixie understood him. He was laughing. Well looked like laughing, and was smiling. I knew that this boy might be the missing link to my college bucket list. I completed every single to do, and all was left was have a high school romance and my first kiss.

Sorry for zee short chapter, but this is the prologue of this story so its suppose to be short. This is based on I Loved You's plot for Bridgette and Felix. I will include a lot of hints for the future to be covered in here later on.

Well the main characters are Bridgette Trent, Felix Carter-Agreste, Mercury Kante(Max's older frowned upon brother), Melodie Hans, Sparrow Harprele(Mylene's older brother), and Trixie Kutzenburg(Tomato's older sister)

Profile Overview for Mercury, Sparrow, Melodie, and Trixie.

Mercury: He is frowned upon by his smart parents. They prefer his younger brother Max. He is actually really smart, but uses it for skate boarding, and sports in general. And tests. He is just an older version of Max without the glasses.

Sparrow: He wants to be an actor but he hates attention. But he secretly performs in a mask as a famous play actor. The.... need to come up with name. He has brown hair with gray eyes.

Melodie: She and Bri were friends since they were young with Trix. She wants to become a doctor to cure diseases. She is really smart in the medical field. She has blonde hair with hazel eyes.

Trixie : She is Nath's older brother. She looks like their father, but he was never known. Aka drama about who their father really is. Hint: She has blond hair, and green eyes similar to Adrien.... Tell me who do you think is Trix and Nath's father is? Ok jk he is an oc of the one who is gone's brother.


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