Part 1

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I didn't expect to find him that fast. It took me only seven mounts and here I was hiding and spying on the traitor Acuma ninja. I was careful not to breathe even, cautious with every step since I didn't want him to notice me. I mean...I had a greather chance of killing him if my attack was a surprise. Step and then another one, I took out my weapon, ready to throw it at him. It would've been easy, killing him, without him even noticing me. But... I've always been looking for a challenge. There was nothing exciting in killing him like this. Challenge, thrill, were all thing I was aching for all of my life. That's why I loved my fights with Hayabusa so much because it was always hard for me because this annoying Shadow ninja was always winning!

But... This was my mission. To find and kill the Akuma ninja before Haya. This was not the time for me to having fun. Plus... the man in front of me was spoused to be the strongest ninja alive. Just confidence was not enough to kill him. So I took one last breath and attacked! I was going to kill him, I was going to show Haya that I was better than him, and maybe...maybe this would end the weird ache in my chest...

It all happened too fast. My kunai was no longer in my hand, nor was the chakram in the other. And I already knew... I was screwed. The kunai was touching the skin on my neck and I was trying not to breathe.

"Did you really thought that you can kill me like that, girl?" it stung. His words stung more than the little cut on my neck. It was just a reminder of how weak I was... this, for this reason, I was never able to beat Haya, for this reason, I was going to die now. I hated it. After a second I realized that he called me a girl... someone that he can kill as easily as an untrained child. I hated this even more.

He laughed. No.... He was laughing at me. At my pathetic attempt of killing him. This made me even angrier...but It also worked on my behalf, since his grip, on my hands, became a little loose, so I took this in my advantage and pulled my hands from him. It took me a second, but I managed to jump back on my feet and take a stance. I needed to get back to my weapons as soon as possible.

"Oh, you think you can fight now?"

"Yes." I said "And I will win. I will kill you and I will prove to him that I am strong enough." His eyes kind of looked like they were glowing and he laughed again.

"There is no one strong enough to beat me, girl. So prepare to die."

I... was used to fighting with Haya and a lot of other ninjas, but it was too hard to keep up with him. He was way too fast and at one point I was not sure if I was fighting only one person. Was he even human? Well...okay this was a dumb question... I was feeling my blood drippig on the ground and was painfully aware of all the cuts and bruses on my body.

I used my last trump card. Higanbana stoped him for a second. The flower wraped around him and I managed to take a few short breaths.

The second the flower was gone he looked too angry and this was the firs time I saw a little exascioun on his face.

"I would admit it, girl, you did surpise me, but this fight ends now." He took a step in my direction with the giant sword in his hands. "Even tough you tried to become strong, I did a lot more and I am a lot stronger. I am the strongest. " He lifted his sword "But it was interesting to fight with someone as greedy for power as me" he was wrong. I didn't want power. I just wanted to prove myself. I wanted to show Haya that I was strong enough. To make him notice me... to maybe look at me as an equal, or more...

"You are wrong..."

the light was a little too bright and the next thing I knew was that I was carried in someone's hands.

"Are you okay?" I would recognize this voice anywhere. Hayabusa. He took only a glance at me. I nodded and let him carry me in his hands while running through the forest. I realized that he was not alone when he finally stopped. And there she was, white-haired, short and sweet looking, right next to him.

"You okay?" she asked. The feeling inside my stomach got worse. I knew she went to find the Akuma ninja with Haya, but It felt even worse to see her, right next to him. Even though I knew it was a lie I said yes.

They gave me something to eat and Kagura even cleaned and put bandages on my wounds. At one point I was sure o would hate her.... But she was too sweet to me and I was not heartless enough to hate someone who has done nothing wrong to me. I mean... It was not her fault that Haya never looked at me the way I wanted him to.

"Will you continue with your search after this fight?" I asked and I was not ready for an answer. If they said yes this means that I must search for the Akuma ninja again. I won't be the one to surrender. I still want to kill him before Hayabusa and Kagura.

"Yes. But first, we will stay with you for a couple of days, until your wounds heal a little." Hayabusa said, "We won't be able to send you all the way back to the village, so that's the least we can do." I was starting to get really mad. He wanted me to go back. He thought I was not strong enough, that my place was at home, where I will be safe... because I was not strong enough.

"There's a town nearby. We can stay there until you feel better. " Kagura smiled at me. So she was allowed to go and fight but I was not? How was this fair! All my life I trained to fight and she just got some magical umbrella and somehow she is stronger than me?

"I will go with you." The girl looked at Haya and he looked at her back. Like they were expecting that I would give them a hard time and won't go home quietly.

"He is really strong. It's my duty to kill him. You should not come when you don't have to." Haya said and I looked toward the girl next to him. Then why was she there? "She was just not listening when I told her to stay."

"I didn't want you to be lonely and I thought that it would be even better if you have someone to look at your back." She was smiling. The way she looked at him was so obvious. Her feelings were laying naked in front of him but it looks like he was clueless...

For a second I thought about asking them to join. But my pride spoke loudly in my mind saying that I shouldn't. This would mean that I am weak and I need their help to kill someone. I had to do it all alone.

"Sorry I won't go back," I said and I tried to stand up on my feet. My legs felt heavy and I almost fell. Haya caught me.

"See, you are hurt. You should go back." I told him that I won't and probably looked like a stubborn child, but I didn't care enough. "What will happen if you do find him again? You will fight? And what if we are not there? You might die!" His words hurt even more than the cuts. It took me a second to realize. He really thought I was that weak. I would never be equal in his eyes as long as I am like this. There's only one way. Find and kill the Akuma ninja alone. This was my mission. But first I had to become stronger, to even have a slight chance.

"Okay... I will go back." He didn't look like he was believing me and neither was Kagura, but they didn't talk about it anymore. We made a little camp in the woods and they said that we will go to the town nearby tomorrow.

I was sure that sneaking out would be easier. But Haya was the first watch and there was no way in hell I could walk past him, without him realizing. Everything still hurts and this made my steps loud and heavy. So I waited and when it was Kagura's time to take the watch I continued to want patiently until her soft humming was gone. She fell asleep, even thou she was supposed to watch us and wake us up if there was trouble.

I was hesitant for a second. Was I REALLY GORING TO LEAVE THEM LIKE THIS? They were both sleeping...and something could come and kill them. No... I should not think about it. Hayabusa was still my rival and the little girl... well, she decided to stay at his side so this made her my rival as well. Right?

And finally, I started walking, trying to be as quiet as a could. I was not sure how I was going to find him...but I was.  

I will kill you first - Hanazo (mlbb)Where stories live. Discover now