Part 6

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 I was quiet thinking of how he can just snap my neck when I felt his hands on my skin. I knew calming down was a stupid thing to do, but I felt relieved after a few seconds. He was just giving me a message. His hands were steady and I could feel the pain and stiffness going away. Great. I was feeling way better. I was wondering if I should thank him...but I didn't. Haya had done the same for me before after fights. Even though he was my rival he had always been... kind. Had never been mean with me. I was really starting to miss all of our fights and talks... especially not knowing if he was okay or not.

"Is this better?" he asked. I faced him and nodded. "Get in fighting stance." And I did. This time he attacked me first. I needed a second to push all of my thoughts away and really fight. And he won again. It took him longer than before, but he was still the winner. This was the first time he gave me a hand and help me to stand up on my feet again. I was wondering if he noticed that or did it without realizing.

"Don't attack like that" and he repeated my attack while I was looking from the side. He remembered my movements almost perfectly. It was always taking him second to realize what I was planning to do and how to stop me. "You are leaving too much of your body uncovered. And I have enough time to dodge the punch and kick and even  had time to kick you." It was weird. He was explaining things to me. This was a first...and it's already been more than a week of fighting.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked and probably my expression was just as curious as I felt.

"Because I want a worthy opponent." He answered calmly. I was not going to miss the chance.

"Have you ever met someone that was strong enough?" he looked at me and laughed.

"I am still alive so the answer is no." I nodded. I hoped Haya was not one of the weaklings that the Akuma ninja fought...killed. I was really hoping he would be okay. And even Kagura, as bad as it felt, knowing that she was with him, I still didn't want to see her dead. "What's ever on your mind – you can ask." He said and I bit my lip. Shit. Was I that easy to read?

"The...the people that saved me the first time I found you...have they...have you... um..." I was not sure what I wanted to say... not sure if I wanted t really know. I was not even sure how I would react if the man in front of me says that he killed them...that he ended Haya's life... I was not ready to hear this...

I was not sure if I ever will be... probably not.

"Friends of yours?" I was looking at the ground.

"No." I answered. When I looked up his expression was something that I couldn't read.

"Do you think they can win against me?" I...didn't know. I was not sure. I hoped so... because I didn't want Haya to die. But at the same time, I hoped he would not be strong enough... because I wanted to be the one who will end all of this. That's why I was here. To prove myself. All of this would go to waste if Hayabusa is strong enough...if he manages to kill the Akuma ninja...

"He...he is stronger than me. So at least he has a better chance..." I murmured. "He's always been the strongest ninja that I knew... the only one that was able to beat rival... the one that..." I realized I was talking a little too much. I shouldn't be... "Never mind."

"You know girl.... You should really wear that mask of yours if you don't want people to know what you are thinking all of the time. Training's over." He said and walked into the house. 


Not sure if I will be able to add a new chapter every day from now on, at least until all of my exams end, but I will try my best... Any predictions? Or something you hope to see (read)? 

And whose point of view you like more? To be honest I am having fun whiting both :D :D :D I hope it's not confusing. 

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