Part 10

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He...was just getting food. This only made me hungrier. I had a little money left so I bought a little food and ate while still walking after him. I was careful. He told me not to walk next to him... never said that I can't just walk behind him. Okay... I was not even walking behind him. I was stalking him. I was already a little annoyed when I heard a familiar voice. I took a glance in the direction.

"Haya, let's stay in the town for another day! Please!" she pleaded. Hayabusa was not wearing his mask. I haven't seen his bare face in so long. He was just as handsome as I remembered... It took me a second to realize what I though. Was... was the Akuma ninja right? Maybe I was really having feeling toward Haya...

No... this was not it... no way.

Haya told her something, but I was too far to hear. She looked happy with the answer. I remembered the dream I had and it mad things even worse. I was so confused... I realized that Hanzo was nowhere near my sight anymore so I stayed, looking at my rivals form a far. They looked so comfortable around each other. Haya was smiling. I have never seen his smile like this... It... it was hurting me and making me happy in the same time. I mean... he was happy... but he was happy with her. He has never been like this with me.

At one point she took his hand in hers. This...meant nothing. A lot of people were holding hands. I mean... it was normal. Why was I feeling like I wanted to rip her hand off him?

I... I... I really had feelings for him. The realization hit me a little too hard. That's why I wanted him to notice me, to say that I was his equal... just as good as he was... That's why I thought that he was interesting and why I loved the fights with him, why I was always so excited about them... was all lost. He was smiling at another girl. I have noticed that his behaviour toward Kagura was different even before... Even the way he was talking about his "friend" was different. Well, we were the same at least in something. We were just as pathetic when it comes to feelings. But...he still has better luck than me. Because Kagura liked him as well. I have noticed her feeling even before... the difference was that this was the first time I was noticing his feeling as well... and It was the first time after realizing that I liked him. My chest ached...

I was looking at how they continued their talk and how happy she looked...just as happy as him. The moment that managed to kick me out of my thoughts was when someone bumped into me. The man said a little angrily that I should not just stay in the middle of the street and continued on his way. This was the moment I also realized that it was already late. I've been walking after Haya and Kagura for hours... The last glimpse I took at them was when Kagura kissed his left cheek... both of their faces were bright red, and Haya even smiled s little, trying to hide it.

I walked through the town and back to the forest not really feeling well. The Akuma ninja was waiting, even though it was already a little dark... I was expecting him to ask what took me so long, or to not even be there, but he never said anything. I walked silently the whole time.


I was not going to say anything. I actually went back after all of my purchases. She was staying in the corner, hiding in the shadows, looking at the people she called rivals... I am sure she never realized that she was having a really lost expression on her face, and her right hand was on her chest. I left. Seeing this expression on her face pissed me off. I was not even sure if she will come back to the forest but she did, even though she was a little late. She was way too quiet.

- You want to train again? – I asked her when we were near the house. She looked at me and tried to laugh.

- Not really. – she said. Was she aware of how forced her smile was? Plus...she was never smiling before. Stupid girl... - I am sure you are tired...and I don't want an easy win. – she was not sounding prideful, but rather... empty. It looks like seeing her...rivals... really made her realize her true feeling toward that shadow. She would most likely be back to normal tomorrow. – Good night. – she sat at the floor near the outside door and hugged her knees, closed her eyes and let her head rest against the wall.

I will kill you first - Hanazo (mlbb)Where stories live. Discover now