Part 22

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"That's cheating!" she said with a funny expression on her face.

"You never said that we should take the road.... So it's not." I corrected her. Her cheeks were red from all the running and she was still trying to take her breath. "And you actually started running before I did, so we might count this as cheating as well." I made a few steps toward her and took the bag she was still caring. "Now... what's for dinner?" she was silent for a second. "Sandwiches is not an answer."

"I..." I laughed a little.

"Sorry, you can't pass for a whole meal...maybe just the dessert." Speechless...and red as a tomato.  This kind of reminded me of one of our first fights. "Just kidding." I walked inside and she followed. I took a glance at her and she was still blushing. Okay. I sat on the chair next to the counter and waited. She looked so confused looking at the different ingredients from the bag. She took the fish and somehow managed to cut it kind of right. I was sure she cut through some of the bones but it would still be fine.

"Now what? Just... put it in a pan or something?" I shrugged. I was not going to help her. She did this all to herself. She wanted to have a race. She wanted the loser to cook... At least there were some pieces of wood and paper in the oven, so it was not hard to set in on fire. She put the pan on top and waited. She was looking around like she was searching for something.

"Oil?" I asked and when she nodded I pointed at a little bottle. She sighed and took it. Okay, it was not that bad. I was expecting her to be way worse. "Aren't you going to put at least a little salt or something?" she bit her lip.

"Oh... yeah..." Looking at her struggling was... not as entertaining as I thought it would be. She was looking confused and was definitely not sure what to do... plus I was sure the oil in the pan was already burned... well... I guess since the kitchen was still not on fire it was all right.

"God no..." as much as I wanted to stay quiet the words just came out if my mouth. Too much salt.... At least it was salt and she didn't take the sugar.

"I guess that's too much..." she looked like she was not really sure what to do. "A little help...please?" I sighed. At first, I was just telling her what to do... but at one point I was already a little scared that she might cut a finger or two (weird... especially for someone that could trow knives almost perfectly)... or I don't know.. spill all of the hot oil from the pan on herself, so I just made her sit on the chair. She looked happy and relieved while I continued with the cooking.


"It's delicious!" I said when I tried the food. I was actually questioning if we would have dinner tonight... but I guess he found a way to fix all of the mess I've made. I was starving from all the walking and just spending the day in the town. I haven't eaten anything... and it was the same for him. He was silent. This was a compliment and I was expecting him to say at least a thank you... or to say that it was delicious... but not thanks to me, but...he was silent. Just nodded. Guess he was still mad...maybe...because I called him my husband in front of the people in the town. I already told him that I was not going to do this again since it was not something he was comfortable with...

"Is something wrong?" I asked. I think this was the first time I was really caring and was not just asking out of curiosity. He was... always keeping me great company and always noticed when something was wrong. Hanzo looked at me and asked why I thought something was wrong. "You...were not talking with me...and was not looking at me." I explained slowly.

"You want me to look at you?" he asked and the smirk on his face made me feel weird. Just like when he said that I could be a dessert... I was sure he was joking... but it still made my heart skip a beat. Or... yes... I was going to be food.... for a demon sword devouring souls.   But that's when... no... if I lose. "I think we both need some sleep." He pushed his chair back and walked toward his room.

I will kill you first - Hanazo (mlbb)Where stories live. Discover now