Part 3

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I woke up laying on the ground. My body felt too stiff and there was not even a bone that was not hurting. It took me a while to get myself to stand up. If I had, to be honest, I was a little too curious for my own good. I looked around but the Akuma ninja was nowhere to be found so I walked to the door of the house.

"Hey, are you inside?" I shouted I wanted to make sure he would hear me. A second later I remembered he said that I was not supposed to make noise but... it was too late. There was no answer. It was around noon so there was no way he was sleeping, right? "I wanted to ask if we can continue with the training?" no answer. Was he ignoring me intentionally? I took my courage and walked inside. It was just as broken as it looked on the outside. And weirdly there was food on the little table. Well, it looks like the wicked still had to eat. There were a lot of weapons but not his sword. I walked into the other room and it looks like I found the bedroom. Just as messy but a little cleaner. And empty. Great he knocked me out and ran away. I didn't like the idea of spending another seven mounts looking for him. Plus this was just making Haya's chances of finding and killing him before me even higher.

I made a few steps closer to the drawers and opened one. Empty. There was something like a wardrobe so I opened it after that. Not empty. There were a few different clothes and were hanged neatly considering all the mess around the house. So he didn't really run away... unless those were some other person's clothes.

I heard the door closing. Well...I am at kind of a bad place. I thought about opening the window and jumping out but he would surely realize that he hadn't left it open. But I didn't have another chance so I did it. I opened the window and jumped outside a second before the door of the bedroom opened and closed. I took just a glance, to make sure it was really him, and not the real owner of the house or some random person. It was. And there was blood all over his sword and clothes. I felt my heart beating a little too hard. Haya and Kagura were still hunting for him. What if they had found him? What if he killed them and this was their blood? No. This was not something that could've happened. Haya was there and he was really strong, and he would never let anyone hurt Kagura. Heck, he protected even me, so he would definitely protect Kagura as well. They are alive... they had to be. I was not ready to think about Haya as someone who was not alongside the living. Plus the pain that I felt when I was thinking about him as dead was too much to handle...

I walked to the front door while still thinking about that. Haya was my rival....I was not supposed to feel that way. The door opened again.

"You are a nosy girl." He commented I tried to look innocent.

"What have I done?" I asked. His eyes were even scarier than before... too cold and still as glowing as ever.

"You tell me" he was a little too close. I could already imagine my end... his voice was low and it sent shivers down my spine. I was dumb enough to leave all of my weapons in the grass meters away from me.

"I went for berries," I said. It was true. His eyes glowed even more than before.

"You are a bad liar, girl" I was not a bad liar and I was not even lying. I did go for berries...yesterday.

"Hanabi." I felt a little braver, maybe I had a concussion for all the beating from earlier, or I was really losing my senses. "I told you I have a name. It's Hanabi." He bent down so his eyes were on the level of mine. He was tall...I was wondering how tall he would look like next to a shortcake like Kagura.

"Don't walk into my house ever again." He hissed. I nodded. Scary. He was scary. He tried to turn around and walk inside.

"Is this blood?" I asked. He didn't even bother to answer. "You killed someone?"

"Weak...they were all weak. Just wasted my time." it couldn't be Haya, no way he was strong, he could not loose just like that without a good fight.

"Why kill them then? When they are weak?" I continued with my questions. He looked at me once again.

"All I did was to make myself stronger. All I am doing is to become even stronger. To be the strongest."

"Why?" the question flew out of my mouth without me even realizing. I never got the answer.


It was unusual having people here...talking to people. Even if it was just her. This girl...she was too stubborn. To the point where it was a dumb kind of stupid. A part of me admired how determent she was to continue the fight... but it was also a foolish attempt. It looks like she didn't really care about her body or that she would not be able to stand up on her feet. Stupid girl.... And she even dared to lie me straight to the face... stupid.

I heard humming a while after I left her out. I should just go out and slice her neck. Having someone around was a bad idea... I changed my clothes and want outside with one of the kunais in hand. She was not the weakest opponent but definitely not strong enough so it would be easy.

It looks like she got some of the wildflowers and was braiding them in a flower crown or something like this. Stupid girl...there were already a few bruises that I could see on her body and one on her left cheekbone.

"I was not expecting you to come out again." She said and looked at me. Blinked like she was surprised and left the flowers on her side. "Something wrong?" she asked and I saw the change of her pose. She was getting ready to run. I wonder if she would be better at fighting if she was really scared. She managed to fight back the first time after attacking me in the forest.

Just a few steps and she can be dead. It will be really easy. was not that bad to have someone around. Even if it was for a little while. Even if it was just to have someone to fight with, it was a little lonely sometimes. If she was not that nosy, annoying and... she was not pissing me off that much, no... even then I don't like having people around. People are competition. Even training with her means she will be competition...

But this means that fighting someone will finally be a challenge...

Finally, it will be interesting to fight with someone, if she learns how to fight. It would really feel like a win if she puts up a fight after the tree mounts I promised her.

"Just wanted to remind you not to oversleep tomorrow again." Her face became red for a second. She was mad. I was wondering if she would say something, hoped she does. But she didn't.

And I want back inside without killing her. Made myself dinner and ate.  


OMG SOMEONE'S ACTUALLY READING THIS!!! I am really happy and excited now :D :D :D 

Anyways just wanted to say thank you and to apologize for mistakes. English's not my first language, but I am trying my best.  Thanks for reading 


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