Part 7

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She really is becoming better at fighting. Her teacher must have been a complete idiot. I was already sure that she can become way better because she was picking thing fast. It was... have her around. It was not as lonely as usual. Having someone to talk with was not bad. Even if she was pissing me off from time to time. When I want back outside it was already kind of late. She was sitting on the wooden stairs and was looking at the moon. Like I said...she really needs her mask to hide her feelings because at the moment she was clearly thinking about something...and with that expression I could tell it was not something pleasant...and she was not having the face that she was making when plotting something. She was having the same expression as when she was talking about the Shadow ninja that attacked me the other day...

She told me that they are not friend...and I am sure she was not lying, but she was definitely not telling the truth. Probably was scared to do so. I was sure she would be mad if she knew I fought her shadow ninja and the umbrella girl. I decided not to tell her...maybe not until I kill them... Rival...she called him a rival but I am sure no one praises their rival like this. The way she looked while talking about him sounded more like she was talking about someone she likes... hmm maybe they really were not friends. Boyfriend maybe?

She noticed me after I shut the door close.

"Oh... you want a berry?" she asked and put her hand up. I took one and ate it. It was weird...there were wild berries all over the forest... but I was never picking any.

"Thank you." I looked at the sky. Full moon. I noticed she looked at me. She was not expecting me to thank her...and to be honest I never thought I would. I was wondering if all she ate was berries...There were some mushrooms or even wild animals but I haven't seen her putting up a fire...and she was not having anything to cook something in. Well...this was not my problem. I already told her that if I wanted a pet I would get something. It was not my duty to keep her well fed...

Most of her clothes were still on the fence of the stairs drying...

"Will you wash the dress?"
"What?" she asked and I looked at her. It was too dark for me to see more, but I was sure she was red again. "" I rolled my eyes and went inside again. When I came out the second time she looked surprised.

"Here" I threw the clothes in her lap. She picked it up and looked at it. "So you have something to wear while yours is drying," I said and she looked even more surprised than a second before. "They are clean..." she nodded a little too slow. "Unfortunately you don't have luck. The man that was living here didn't have a wife, so there are no female clothing..." I said and her face was almost priceless. She looked a little relieved...but scared at the same time. Well, at least I was a better liar than her. I thought she would not be comfortable with wearing something mine...and it will be easy for her to believe that I killed the real owner.... I still needed some normal clothes. It was easier to blend in with the people while walking in towns like this. "Girl... you have really poor manners." It took her a second to realize what I was talking about. She smiled proudly.

"I won't thank someone that is rude enough not to even say his name after more than a week." She answered. At least she was not mad that I called her girl again... it was really pissing her off in the beginning...and I was actually doing it on purpose. I liked seeing her annoyed face.

"Hanzo..." I answered. " you can thank me." She smirked.

"Nope...I still have poor manners." She would be the death of me...


wooooops this one's short...

well... there will be longer one tomorrow so... PATIENCE! (Okay I just imaginedCaptain America...) 

I will kill you first - Hanazo (mlbb)Where stories live. Discover now