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Everyone says that mystical creatures like mothman, unicorns, bigfoot...

All just myths and fantasy stories...

But you won't know it's real, until you have actually seen it yourself.

Some don't believe and others DO believe, some say these stories and such are fake while others say they're real.

Do You Believe...?
Do You Believe In Myths...?
Do You Believe In The Unknown...?

What if I told you I have seen an unknown creature, like no other.
Something that can never be explained.

I have protected these beautiful creatures ever since I had first met them, but...

I have to keep this a secret. No one must know about them.
...And I Mean NO ONE...

If anyone finds out about them, they'll be taken away...

I must protect them.
Must Protect Them All. One By One.

No Matter What It Takes. Even If It Means Risking My Own Life For Them.

...I'm Ready For Whatever Comes My Way...

Can't Tell My Friends
Can't Tell My Family
Can't Tell My Siblings
Can't Tell My Lovers
Must Protect Them
All Of Them...

If I die, just know this.

These majestic creatures are called "Skreetchrs."

I have took care of them like my own children that I never had. And now...
I have done my job.

Tell The World....
That I Did The Right Thing....

         Fandom W. Onata

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