~/!Summer Time!\~

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Surprise! Didn't think this story would get another chapter? Think again!

It was finally Summer time. The hottest season of the century.

I was in a cave with a few of the Skreetchers to keep cool. It was really hot out there. "Man. Who knew this year, this Summer would be this fucking hot!" I say exhausted. I was busy helping these guys build there little community to become a little bit bigger, and since it's now Summer, the heat is now 10x worse than before!

"I mean, there's nothing here to cool down with." Shade said also exhausted. Him and three others, Leo, Tim, and Sam, were with me, trying to cool off in the cave. "Is this the only way you guys try to cool off when this time of year comes around?" I ask them, the three nod. "Y'all don't have like, a pond or lake to swim in?"

They shook there heads. "Well, there is this one lake that's just a few miles away from here." Shade says. "Then, why don't we just travel there?" I ask. "Here's the bad thing. It's very dangerous over there!" He tells me. "By dangerous, you mean..?"

"I'm talking about many deaths have happened near and at that specific lake!" As Shade told me that, I could just imagine the many people that have died at that lake. The screams of horror and murderous screeches. Gave me chills down my spine.

"Imma see if Zafiro has any ideas" I say as I get up and head out into the horrendous heat, to try and find Zafiro. I have my hoodie off and the minute I step foot out of the cave, I'm already fucking sweating balls! Even though I'm a female, I want to have my shirt off. But all of these creatures, are males and I don't fucking know how they'll react to me being shirtless.

I did get some surgery done a few years ago, so it wouldn't hurt. Right?

So I took my shirt off and wiped my forehead with it, then tied it around my head. It was a big shirt, what do you expect.

I looked around, I see only a few of the boys out here, trying to survive this heat.
CJ and Talon are talking to each other, I can tell they're sweating like crazy standing in the heat. Two or three of them are resting under a few trees. The one that surprises me the most, is Phoenix. He ain't even dropping a sweat! Because he's a fire type, this ain't Pokemon.

I keep looking for Zafiro, but can't find him. I walk over to Star to see if he's seen him. "Hey Star." He looks over, he was under the shade of one of the trees. "Hi Fandom. It's very hot out here! I can tell you're sweating, a lot!" He says, I nod in agreement. "Have you seen Zafiro anywhere? I want to talk to him." I ask. "He's probably cooling off in his cave. I should do that too." He says as he gets up. "Good luck trying to walk out in this heat, it's unbearable!" I tell him and went to Zafiro's cave.

As soon as I got there, I felt like dropping to my damn knees from this heat! "Zafiro? You in here?" I call out. "Yes. I am here." I hear him as he stepped out from the shadows. "Did you need something?" He asked. "Wondering if you have any ideas on how to get the others to cool down from this heat, instead of staying in the shade and stuff. Do you have any ideas?" I ask, he stood there. Thinking for a bit, then shook his head. "Nope. I do not have any ideas. Sorry Fandom." He says.

Damn, I thought he would have an idea or something. Apparently, he doesn't. "Well, I'm gonna head back to the others." As I start walking back, I see out the corner of my eye, CJ freaking out and Talon on the ground. Others were looking at them. I look and walk over to them.

"Hey, what the hell happened CJ? Why is Talon on the ground?" I ask. "I don't know! W-We were just talking, then he started feeling light-headed, then he's on the ground!" CJ tells me, he put his hand on his head, "now I feel the same..."


"Ok. CJ, just lay down." I tell him, he was confused, but he did what I told him to do. "Lay on your stomach, so the sun doesn't get in your eyes." I say, he does this. I look around and look at Spike and Kole. "Spike! Kole! I need you two here!" I call out, they come over.

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