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I just laid there in the backseat.
Still in fucking tears.

"Why... why did they just take them away... now it's all my fault..." I say in my mind. I just hug my bag close to me.

All those Memories...
All that Happiness...
All the Greatness...

....All Thrown Away....

"Sweetie, we're home." I hear my mom say. I didn't move. I didn't want to move, at all. I want them back. I want them all back. Zafiro... Shade... Tim... Sam... All Of Them...

"Come on honey. Get up." My dad says.
"Why...." I say. "Why did you do this... why take them away... they did nothing, they were harmless. They brought me JOY. HAPPINESS. A FRIEND! And it's all just Gone... because of you." I say as I grab my bag, run inside up to my room, then slam my bedroom door shut. I even locked the door. I threw my bag on my bed, I didn't care if my laptop or phone got broken.

I flop on to my bed and just cry into my pillow.


I've been crying for so long...
My parents try to get me out, I say nothing.
I'm curled up on my bed, just remembering the good times I had with all of them.

Until I notice, my bag was.. moving? I sit up and pull my bag towards me, "this bag was never this heavy before.... unless.." I remember telling Tim and Sam to hide somewhere. Could they be... in my bag?!

I quickly open it to be surprised by Tim and Sam! They jump out and hug attack me. I hug the two. "I can't believe that you two were in my bag this whole time!" I say happily, but them frown again. "I'm sorry that the others got taken. It's all my fault. Now Zafiro will never trust me again... I just know it." I say sadly.

"It's not your fault Fandom. We both still love you." Tim says, I smile. "Thanks..."

"Fandom? Are you talking to your online friends or something?" I hear my mom ask. Shit! I need to hide them, but where!

"Quick! Hide in my closet!" I whisper to them as I point to my closet. They both go hide. Once they were in, I got up and unlocked my door. As soon as I did, it slammed open! Revealing both of my parents on the other side. "Look Fandom. We need to talk. Now." My dad tells me. I cross my arms. "About what. Taking the one thing that I had loved for the many years? Then you go and take it away?" I say,looking away. "Do you not understand?! They are Monsters! Freaks!" He says. "And they have even corrupted you in becoming one of them!" My mom says. "And I thought that you both didn't care for who or what I want to be! Now you both care for what I wanted to be?!" I yell.

A sneeze was heard....

"What was that...?" My dad asks. "Uhm... that was me." I lie.
"No it wasn't." Shit! I don't want the two to be taken away from me! As my parents start heading towards my closet. I ran pass them and block their way.

"Fandom, honey. Move out of the way please." My mom tells me. "No!" I yell, then my dad pushes me to the side and opens the closet. "There's two of them in here!!!" As he raises a broom at them, I ran in front of him as he was about to hit Sam and Tim. "Dad! Stop! Don't hurt them!" I yell, he stops. "What are you doing!? They can attack you!" He says.

"Just... trust me. Please." As I close my eyes. I was going to give them the power to be able to understand them... I know Zafiro told me to never do this, but I had to in order for them to understand. They need to know.

Need to know that these creatures named Skreetchrs.
Are Not Dangerous.
Are Not Freaks.
Are Not Monsters.

As everything went white. As soon as I could see, my parents were both on the ground, passed out. "Tim. Sam. Could you both help me get them on my bed please?" I ask, then they both help me carry my mom to the bed, then my dad.

All we have to do now.

Is Wait....

Hopefully They Understand.
Understand Everything.
I Must Reveal This Secret.

I Will Save You Guys. Don't Worry.
I Will Return.
I Never Break My Promises.


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