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A few hours have passed and we all cleaned the kitchen, we were all still a mess. That's when my dad had an idea.

"Everyone outside! It's bath time!" He says, I was confused. Bath time? Outside?! Is this man crazy?

We all go outside, I see that my dad isn't outside anywhere. "Dad? Where are y-" I was cut off as water was being sprayed at all of us! I scream. When it stopped, I look to see my dad with the hose. "Hey, I said it was bath time!" He says laughing. We giggle. "Then spray us dad!" I say as we all get sprayed again.

Once we were all clean, I grab the hose from my dad. "Now it's your turn." I say as I spray him. I laugh as he was being a goof. We all laugh.

Once he was clean, we all dry off. All of our hair was poofy!

|Timeskip cause I'm bored, sorry|

It was night. We were all in pajama's. Even the Skreetchr's were wearing pajama's, and they all look so fucking adorable!

We were all in the living room, watching a movie. It was about where a dog tries to find their way home after getting lost. I've seen this movie a few times and I still manage to cry. That's when, there was a knock at the door. My dad goes to answer it. "Is this the Onata residences?" A female voice asks. I look to see it was one of the guards from the lab. Wonder what she's doing here?

"Yes. Did you need anything?"
"We would like for all of you to join us in a huge bonfire at the old lab."

"A bonfire?" I ask as I stand up. "Yes. We're going to be burning the entire building down." She tells me. "If you want, you can come join all of us. The other guards, scientists, and the other creatures that were saved and released."

I look at everyone else, then back to her. "Dad, can we go?" I ask with a smile. "I don't see why not!" He says. "And you don't have to change. Everyone there is also in their PJs." She tells us. "What about you?" Jackie asks, as she just rips off her uniform to reveal that she's also in pajama's! "Well, what are we all waiting for! Let's go burn that place down!" Zafiro says.

We all get up and follow the woman.


When we all got there, it was a huge crowd! There was everyone there! Even the creatures!

"We haven't started yet, because we were going to wait for all of you to join us" the woman tells us. We all get to where everyone else is. "If you don't mind. Ms.Fandom. To start all of us off?" As a man walks up to me with a torch that was lit up. I smile and grab the torch. I walk over to the building, then smirk.

"We shall burn this place to the ground and watch it all burn!" I yell as I threw the torch at one of the windows. It smashed and I saw it starting to spread slowly. Everyone cheers and I see that they all have torches and they threw them at the building. It began to get bigger and bigger! Until it was all burning! I smile.

Then, we all had a good time. That's when, I saw Twinkie show up! He blew flames at the building to make it even more fucking bigger! Luckily none of this is near any trees. I walk over to Twinkie with a smile. "Hey Twinkie!" I yell, he sees me and lowers his head. I pet his nose. He purrs.

I climb to get on his head. Once I did, he slowly raises his head. I begin to stand on his head, looking out over everything that I see. I see the town, the city in the distance, even the entire forest. It was beautiful. Then I sit down.

I Have Saved The Skreetchrs.
I Have Saved The People.
I Have Saved The Creatures.
I Have Saved Everyone.

I'm A Hero.
A Savior.

A Protector.

I Shall Become The Protector Of This Town.
This Entire City.

This Entire Forest.

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