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I was surprised. I'm going to finally be apart of a pack. A family.

"Y... Yes!" As all of them cheer, I smile like I had never did before. They have all accepted me, as one of their own. Even though I have my real family out there, somewhere looking for me. But I think I have found my own actual family.

Even if they're creatures, I don't judge.
They are who they are and that's okay.

Even For Me.

|~A Few Years Later~|

It has been a few years ever since Zafiro had given me the acceptance to join his pack. Let's just say, he's given me my own little cave, or my own house if you'd call it. Since I learned about electrics and stuff back in high school, I somehow managed to successfully install power to my home. Everyone was impressed, even Zafiro.

So he gave me the job to add electricity to everyone's homes/caves. Some didn't want it, but others did.

I'm even the caretaker of Sam and Tim, Tim still manages to get himself into trouble. But he's getting better at behaving, cause I'm teaching him the rights and wrongs. Well, every once in awhile, I would let him do a bad thing or two, if it's very funny. I would sometimes help the kit do a few pranks as well. I would even take the blame for only a few of his pranks, but all is fine.

By the way, I named all of them myself. I wrote them down in my notebook that I had gotten, I never ever wrote anything in it, so I'm writing in it now. So here are the names I had given them.

Zafiro |The Leader|
Leo |Moon Symbol on Head|
Claw |W/ Angler Fish Antennae|
Shade |My Caretaker|
Tiny |No Arms (poor boy)|
Star |Diamonds on Chest|
CJ |Canadian|
Phoenix |Fire Colors|
Crystal |Crystal's All Over|
Spike |Covered in Spikes|
Talon |Scar on Right Eye|
Tim |Hood on Head All The Time|
Sam |Collar Around Neck|
Toxic |One Arm and Long Spikes on Back|
Kole |Amazing Looking Eyes|
(Drawings of all of them are at the bottom/ending of this chapter)

I was on my laptop, until one of my friends messaged me. My online friend. I check to see so many god damn messages. "Damn, I've been gone for so long that I forgot about them..." I say in my mind. Surprised that they didn't forget about me, since I've been missing for, god who knows how fucking long.

I read the messages and my heart starts falling into so many pieces.

I read all of the messages, more and more.
My heart aches.

"How's about I give them a call. They are online anyways." I say to myself, then started a voice call with them. The two joined so fast at the same time, holy fuck.

"Holy shit Turtle! Where have you been?!" One says, her name is Jackie. But the other couldn't use mic, so he types. Also, these two just call me Turtle. Cause I'm obsessed with turtles! Ok? Don't judge me.
"We've been trying to contact you! We thought you had left or something bad happened..."
"I'm okay guys, I've just been busy with some things. I'm okay." I tell them.

"Where have you been?" Jackie asks. "Oh, uhm..." I try to think of something, cause I don't want them to know where I'm actually at.

What If They Try To Go Out To Find Me..?
What If They Send A Search Team To Find Me..?
What If THEY, Themselves.
Go Out To Try And Find Me..?

Let's just hope They Don't...

Sorry if this chapter is short.
I will make the next one longer, don't worry!

I will make the next one longer, don't worry!

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